Issue - meetings
Procurement strategy for responsive repairs and maintenance contracts
Meeting: 08/02/2024 - Executive (Item 203)
203 Procurement strategy for responsive repairs and maintenance contracts PDF 382 KB
Additional documents:
- 2324-0017 General Build Repairs and Maintenance Works - EQIA Screening Tool, item 203
PDF 357 KB
- 2324-0057 Electrical Repairs and Maintenance Works - EQIA Screening Tool, item 203
PDF 113 KB
- 2324-0188 Brickwork Repairs and Maintenance Works - Full EQIA, item 203
PDF 197 KB
- Roofing Repairs and Maintenance Works With Scaffolding EQIA Screening Tool, item 203
PDF 400 KB
- Webcast for Procurement strategy for responsive repairs and maintenance contracts
AGREED recommendations.
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – as detailed in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
(a) To approve the procurement strategy for the following works, as outlined in the report of the Executive Member for Homes and Communities:
· General Build Repairs and Maintenance Works
· Electrical Repairs and Maintenance Works
· Roofing Repairs and Maintenance Works (with Provision of Scaffolding)
· Brickwork Repairs and Maintenance Works
(b) To approve the extension of the current General Build contract for seven months.
(c) To approve the extension of the current Roofing Repairs and Maintenance (Including scaffolding) contract for seven months.
(d) To delegate authority to the Acting Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods, following consultation with the Executive Member for Homes and Communities, to appoint contractors to the relevant frameworks and award the Brickworks contract and authorise entering into the contract.
Reasons for the decision – The Council had an on-going requirement to procure a number of back-up and specialist contracts to support its in-house housing repairs and maintenance services. The procurement of contractors for General Build and Maintenance, Electrical repairs and Maintenance, Roofing Repairs and Maintenance and Brickwork Repairs and Maintenance was required to support the continuity of service.
Other options considered – Six options in total were considered, all as detailed in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none