Issue - meetings
Procurement strategy for Financial System replacement
Meeting: 08/02/2024 - Executive (Item 198)
198 Procurement strategy for Financial System replacement PDF 264 KB
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AGREED recommendations.
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – as detailed in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
(a) To approve the procurement strategy for the replacement of the current financial system, using the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM6194 Lot 1 Back Office Software (without system integrator).
(b) That the Corporate Director of Resources be authorised to approve the contract award, following consultation with the Executive Member of Finance, Planning and Performance.
Reasons for the decision – The Council’s current financial systems did not meet business requirements and needed to be replaced. The contract for the current systems was almost at an end and afforded the Council the opportunity to procure a right-sized solution that delivered the Council’s business needs and, through preference for an Enterprise Resource Solution, would allow future integrations with other core business systems. In addition, the preferred procurement route would ensure a timely procurement at low cost.
Other options considered – Eight options in total were considered, all as detailed in the report of the Executive Member for Finance, Planning and Performance.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none