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Agenda item

Budget Proposals 2018-19



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted - none.


Councillor Hull advised that the budget was being set in an extremely difficult context; since 2010 the government has cut the Council’s budget by 70%, forcing the Council to make £194M of savings, with a further £32M savings required in the coming year.   



The General Fund Budget 2018-19 and MTFS (Section 3)

2.1       That the 2018-19 net Council cash limits as set out in Table 1 (paragraph 3.1.4 of the report) and the MTFS at Appendix A of the report, which include the revenue savings at Appendix B of the report, be agreed.

2.2       That the fees and charges policy be noted and the 2018-19 fees and charges schedule (paragraphs 3.2.3-3.2.4 of the report and Appendices C1-C3 of the report), be agreed

2.3       That the Council’s policy on the level of General Fund balances and the estimated use of the Council’s earmarked reserves (paragraphs 3.2.5-3.2.7 of the report and Table 2 of the report) be agreed.

              The HRA Budget and MTFS (Section 4)

2.4         That the balanced HRA 2018-19 budget within the HRA MTFS at Appendix D1 of the report be agreed.

2.5         That the 2018-19 HRA rents and other fees and charges (Tables 4-7 and Appendix D2 of the report) be agreed.


              The Capital Programme 2018-21 (Section 5)

2.6         That the 2018-19 capital programme (paragraph 5.1, Table 8 and Appendix E of the report) be agreed and the provisional programme for 2019-21 be noted.

2.7         That the Corporate Director Resources applies capital resources to fund the capital programme in the most cost-effective way (paragraph 5.2) of the report, be agreed.

Treasury Management Strategy (Section 6)

2.8         That the Treasury Management Strategy will initially be considered by Audit Committee on 23rd January 2018 and then included for agreement within the final budget report to Executive on 1st February 2018 and Council on 22nd February 2018 be noted.

Council Tax and Retained Business Rates (Section 7)

2.9       That a new class of council tax charge payer known as foster carer and implement a new Foster Carer Relief scheme from 1st April 2018 to reduce the full council tax liability to nil of every Islington household for the period where the household includes an approved foster carer (including foster carers living in Islington who are registered with other local authorities or approved agencies) (paragraphs 7.1-7.3 of the report) be agreed.

2.10       That Shared Lives carers living in Islington be included within the new Foster Carer Relief Scheme (paragraph 7.4 of the report) be agreed.


2.11       That amending the existing council tax relief scheme for care leavers to cover the full council tax liability from 1st April 2018 (paragraph 7.6 of the report) be agreed.


2.12       That the detailed, statutory council tax calculations and the recommendations for the final 2018-19 council tax level, including the Greater London Authority (GLA) and social care precepts, will be included in the budget report to Executive on 1st February 2018 and Council on 22nd February 2018 (paragraph 7.7 of the report) be noted.

2.13       That the Council’s proposed participation in the London Business Rates Pilot Pool (paragraphs 7.8 to 7.12 of the report) be agreed.

2.13.1    That acceptance of the designation by the Secretary of State as an authority within the London Business Rates Pilot Pool pursuant to 34(7)(1) of Schedule 7B Local Government Finance Act 1988 be agreed.

2.13.2    That participation in the London Business Rates Pilot Pool with effect from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 be agreed.


2.13.3    That the authority's administrative functions as a billing authority pursuant to the Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention) Regulations 2013 be delegated to the City of London Corporation ("COLC") acting as the Lead Authority be agreed.


2.13.4 That the Lead Authority be authorised to sub-contract certain ancillary administrative functions regarding the financial transactions (payment of tariffs and top-ups) within the Pool to the GLA as it considers expedient be agreed.

2.13.5    That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director Resources, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance, Performance and Community Safety, to agree the operational details of the pooling arrangements with the participating authorities, be agreed.

2.13.6    That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director Resources, in consultation with the Acting Director of Law and Governance, to make any amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding, attached at Appendix F to the report, as may be required by the Secretary of State, and to enter into the final Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the authority be agreed.

2.13.7    That the Leader of the Council be authorised to represent the authority in relation to consultations regarding the London Business Rates Pilot Pool as may be undertaken by the Lead Authority pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding, be agreed.

2.13.8    That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director Resources, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance, Performance and Community Safety, to consider such consultative reports as the Lead Authority may circulate and to respond on behalf of the authority with regard to any recommendations and in particular, proposals for projects to be approved for funding from the Strategic Investment Pot, be agreed.

2.13.9    That authority be delegated to the Lead Authority to undertake the functions of assessment, due consultation and approval of projects eligible for funding from the Pool's Strategic Investment Pot following consultation with the participating authorities (provided that at least two thirds of such participating London Boroughs (including the City of London Corporation) are in favour of the relevant recommendation as well as the Mayor of London, and that no entire sub-region is in disagreement with the decision) on such terms and conditions as shall ensure value for money and compliance with the law, be agreed.

Matters to Consider in Setting the Budget (Section 8)

2.14       That the Section 151 Officer’s and the Monitoring Officer’s comments in their determination of the revenue and capital budgets for 2018-19 and the basis for the level of council tax, including the Section 151 Officer’s report in relation to his responsibilities under Section 25 (2) of the Local Government Act 2003 be noted.


2.15       That the Resident Impact Assessment (RIA) on the 2018-19 budget (Appendix G of the report) be noted.


Reason for decision – to allow Councillors to set a balanced budget. Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted - none.

Supporting documents: