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Agenda item

Performance Management Working Group - 12 Month Report Back


Julie Foy, Director of Human Resources, and Astrid Keogh, Organisational Development Manager, introduced the report which summarised the progress made in implementing the council’s new staff performance management process.


The following main points were raised in the discussion:


·        “Check Ins” had replaced the previous regime titled “Quality Conversations”. The new Check Ins scheme provided that all employees had a monthly performance meeting with their line manager, with a status awarded every four months. The Check Ins process had been implemented in April 2023 with a staff communication an engagement campaign, which included workshops for managers, information sessions for staff, and online resources.

·        Data from the recent colleague survey identified that 73% of staff said that managers dealt with inappropriate behaviour effectively, and 68% of staff agreed that managers deal with poor performance effectively. This was an improvement on the results of the previous staff survey in 2021.

·        A member queried the process for staff to challenge their performance status. Officers advised that a process had been agreed in consultation with the trade unions that allowed for a reconsideration meeting to be held. It was reported that only 20 staff had received a “red” status, and no requests for a reconsideration meeting had been received to date.

·        Check in data was reported to the Corporate Management Team to allow for strategic oversight on a directorate basis. Data was also reviewed for moderation purposes and to identify any potential equality issues. For example, it had been identified that staff in some frontline roles were more likely to receive “amber” statuses, particularly in roles where staff were more likely to be Black and Male. The council had since held sessions with those staff to discuss this issue and how they can be supported in their roles.

·        The Committee commented on the need for effective processes for staff to raise concerns about bullying and harassment in the workplace. It was important to create a culture where people feel confident in speaking up and see that concerns are acted upon. Officers commented on the council’s existing processes, and how these were being reviewed alongside best practice and examples from other organisations.

·        Officers commented on the importance of developing managers; sessions had been held on how to give constructive feedback on performance issues.

·        A member expressed disappointment that the council’s work to address inequalities in the workplace had not progressed further, given that these issues had been discussed for a long time.

·        Following a question on agency staff, it was advised that agency workers were not subject to the check in process, however it was expected that managers would have regular conversations with agency staff about performance, objectives and standards. If an agency worker did not meet the standards required for the role then their contract would end.

·        It was requested that a further update be submitted to the committee in 12 months’ time. It was asked that this consider how to monitor the performance of long-term agency staff.

·        It was also requested that the committee receive an update on staff equalities issues, including the BAME pay gap, noting the recommendations of the previous member working group on equalities.

·        It was commented that the Annual Workforce Report would be submitted to the Committee in November.  


The Committee thanked officers for their attendance.




That the progress made in implementing the new Performance Development process be noted, taking account of the recommendations to Executive that followed the Scrutiny Working Group. 

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