Agenda item
Vittoria Primary School, Treaty Street, London, N1 0WF
Demolition of the redundant three-storey caretakers house (plus associated garage) to create a sensory garden; hard/soft landscaping across the site; replacement of front entrance gate and all associated works
(Planning application number: P2024/0325/FUL
In the discussion the following points were made:
· The proposed development site relates to Vittoria Primary School, a part single storey, part three storey brick building located on the eastern side of Treaty Street, Islington. A school building has existed at the site since 1886 and was previously known as Copenhagen Primary School until mid-2023. The surrounding vicinity is primarily residential.
· The site does not form part of a conservation area, but the main school building (three storey element) is identified as a locally listed building from the Council’s Local list (Grade B). No parts of the curtilage are statutory listed.
· The primary aspect of the proposal relates to the demolition of an existing three-storey ancillary dwellinghouse located towards the eastern boundary of the site. The house, which was a later addition to a historic terrace (previously demolished) has been redundant for approx. 8-10 years and was most recently used as accommodation for the school’s caretaker.
· The dwellinghouse is confined to the boundaries of the school only and does not present an example of self-contained residential accommodation being only accessible through the existing school grounds and not with a separate self contained access from the street.
· Meeting was advised that the dwellinghouse has been identified as being ancillary to the school premises, that the principle of the dwellinghouse’s demolition has therefore been deemed acceptable. Local Plan Policy H2 specifically resists the loss of existing self contained residential units which thus unit is not.
· In addition to the development being acceptable in principle, officers are minded to support the proposed landscaping and general refurbishment works in design and appearance terms, with the long-term benefits created for the school being evident.
· The three-storey freestanding caretaker’s house has historically been used as accommodation for the school’s caretaker, the dwellinghouse has been vacant for several years and has recently been identified as being in poor structural condition.
· Planning Officer advised that the house forms part of the red line boundary of the school and is accessed from within the grounds of the school only.
· Meeting was advised that in place of the caretaker’s house and associated yard area, it is proposed to introduce a new ‘sensory garden’ space for use by the school’s pupils. Additional hard and soft landscaping works are proposed to the Central Playground area and KS1 (Phase 2). The specific areas are identified as part of the annotated map, below. Works to ‘Phase 1’ of the project which have included refurbishment to the early years area have already been completed.
· The sensory garden space (to replace the site of the caretaker’s house) offers an opportunity for nature-based activities including food growing, ecological areas sensory and elements for children to immerse themselves within nature.
· Planning Officer advised that the proposal would also introduce various hard/soft landscaping features to the central playground and KS1 areas such as play islands (including adventure-based activities), challenge trails, vertical play equipment, supergraphic surfacing, buffer planting and climbing.
· At the entrance, the proposed main external gates are to be replaced with new gates that reflect the recently adopted name of the school (Vittoria Primary School). The gates form part of the main entrance to the school which takes place from Treaty Street. The gates themselves are positioned at the end of an accessway and will continue to allow entrance by both pedestrians and vehicles.
· With the proposal relating to the area confined to the school only, it is considered that there would be no discernible impacts to neighbours on the grounds of amenity. A demolition and construction management plan has been recommended as a pre-commencement condition.
· The landscaping features have been reviewed by the council’s inclusive design and nature and conservation officers, both of whom are supportive of the proposals overall.
· Applicant informed meeting that this was an opportunity to provide a sensory garden for children with nature-based activities such as food growing , ecological areas sensory and elements for children to immerse themselves within nature etc.
Councillor North proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Klute and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report
Supporting documents:
Committee Report - Vittoria Primary School final, item 46.
Map P2024-0325-FUL Vittoria Primary School, Treaty St, London, N1 0WF, item 46.
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