Agenda item
Toffee Park, Ironmonger Row, London, EC1V 3QS
Extension and refurbishment of the existing King Square Community Nursery building to create a new Family Hub facility and internal space for the Toffee Park Adventure Playground. Demolition of existing playground shed. Associated landscape improvements to surrounding external spaces also proposed.
(Planning application number: P2024/1331/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
· The application site relates to Toffee Park, within the Radnor Street Open Space. The site is currently occupied by two users, the Kings Square Nursery and the Toffee Park Adventure Playground.
· The nursery is located on the northern half of the site. It is housed in a 2 storey, 1960s, brick and concrete building with sculptural sloping roof form. The adventure play area inhabits the southern end of the site. Along with outdoor play space, it has a single storey timber shed with indoor accommodation.
· The site is surrounded by a high-level, mesh fence which results in the site having very little active frontage. This creates a hostile environment around the site and entrances into both facilities are difficult to locate and in poor quality. Neither facility feels welcoming, and it is not clear whether they are in public or private use.
· There is a MUGA to the rear of the nursery building that is used as a play space during the nursery’s operating hours. The MUGA is accessible to the public outside of these hours via a secondary entrance in the park. There is a difference in levels between the nursery and the MUGA and the two spaces have an awkward relationship.
· Radnor Street Open Space, located to the rear of the site, is a constrained and awkward space. It is split into two by a diagonal footpath that connects Lizard Street to Ironmonger Row. The eastern edge of the park is segregated from the main body of the space by thick planting. This blocks views into the park along this edge and creates a dark, uninviting space. Radnor Street Open Space is a designated Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) and the Toffee Park Adventure Playground is protected through policy and through the Fields in Trust scheme.
· Whilst the application site is adjacent to a number of residential properties, the surrounding area is mixed in character, sitting within the Central Activities Zone. The Whitecross Street and Old Street Local Shopping Areas are also located nearby.
· The site lies partially within the St Luke’s Conservation Area (CA16), an important surviving part of historic Finsbury, with a special character and appearance which is desirable to preserve and enhance. The area in the designation is currently occupied by the adventure playground, however the remainder of the site is considered to form part of the Conservation Area’s setting.
· The site does not contain any listed or locally listed buildings, however it lies in close proximity to St Lukes Church, which is Grade I Listed and a Local Landmark, as well as Ironmonger Row Baths which is Grade II listed. The site is also located within the Civil War Defences Archaeological Priority Area.
· It is worth noting that the site is in close proximity to the Finsbury Leisure Centre, a site allocated (site allocation ref: BC4) for the “redevelopment of the existing site to provide new high quality leisure facilities and meet increased demand, as well as a nursery, energy centre, housing (including a significant amount of genuinely affordable housing) and public open space”.
· The Family Hub would provide a range of services for children and young people from birth to 25 years old. The provision of such a service requires a range of spaces, from large flexible rooms for classes/events, to small medical consultation areas. The adventure playground requires a large indoor play area and ancillary accommodation including an office, kitchen, and toilets.
· Key planning considerations include land use; design and conservation; biodiversity, ecology and trees; neighbouring amenity transport and Highways and energy and sustainability.
· In landuse terms, the submitted community needs assessment demonstrates that loss of existing nursery is acceptable with sufficient space available at nearby nurseries to comfortably accommodate local need.
· Planning officer advised that although the family hub offering a range of services such as stay and play and parent and baby sessions; midwifery , infant feeding support; family learning sessions with enhanced support for children with SEND; and CAMHS etc
· In terms of neighbouring amenity, meeting was advised that it has no impact as the proposed hours will open till 5pm.
· Meeting was advised that extensive consultation was undertaken.
Councillor North proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Klute and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report
Supporting documents:
Committee Report - Toffee Park Final NB, item 47.
Map P2024-1331-FUL Toffee Park, Ironmonger Row, London, EC1V 3QS, item 47.
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