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Agenda item

Cinnamon Village Whole Foods, 158 Blackstock Road, London, N5 1HA - New Premises Licence


The Licensing Officer was asked to report any additional updates. In response, the Sub Committee were informed that the application was as submitted, but that additional references in support of the applicant had been circulated and that while representations had been made, it was not indicated that any of them would be in attendance.


The Chair noted that there were no interested parties in attendance and moved to request that the applicant presented their key points.


The applicant stated that they had been living in the local area for several years, in which time they had run the business successfully. The applicant further stated that they were well known locally and was a presence on-site seven days a week, that they kept bees at a neighbouring community project and that they were seeking to diversify the offer available among the shops in the locality, stating that they wish to stock products that were not as readily found in the other businesses. The applicant stated that this included expanding the offer of Asian, vegan and locally supplied craft beers, wine and other products that the differentiated from the standard market offering.


The Sub Committee asked the applicant whether this premises would constitute a third establishment for the business, as there were other stores of the same name around the area, and what the overall vision for the business was. In response, the applicant clarified that they had originally envisaged a chain of stores but was now solely focused on the Blackstock Road operation and that this unit would be the second for this owner. The applicant further stated that while there were Cinnamon Village stores in the borough, there was no ongoing connection to them; the applicant stating that these were being run independently of their operation by former business partners.


The Sub Committee asked the applicant why they sought to stock alcohol. In response, the applicant stated that they wanted to try something new by stocking quality, unique products.


The applicant stated that they held an alcohol licence in the café since it had opened and had not encountered any incidents. The applicant also stated that they had and would continue to adhere to matchday conditions.


In summing up, the Legal Representative for the applicant stated that they recommended the Sub Committee granted the licence as put forward.




1)     That the application for a new premises licence, in respect of  Cinnamon Village Whole Foods, 158 Blackstock Road, London, N5 1HA, be granted to allow:-


a)    The sale of alcohol which may be consumed off the premises Monday to Sunday from 9am to 11pm.

b)    To permit the opening hours for the premises to be Monday to Sunday from 730am to 11pm.


2)     That conditions outlined in appendix 3 and detailed on page 11 to 13 of the agenda be applied to the licence.



The Sub-Committee listened to all the evidence and submissions and read all the material. The Sub-Committee reached the decision having considered the Licensing Act 2003, as amended, and its regulations, the Home Office revised guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy

The Licensing Authority received twelve representations from residents as well as a petition forwarded by the owner of a local shop.  None of the interested parties attended the meeting. 

The Sub-Committee noted the character reference received supporting the application.

The Sub-Committee also noted that the hours sought for the sale of alcohol were within the hours specified in licensing policy 6 and the premises is not situated in a Cumulative Impact Area.


The Sub-Committee heard evidence from the applicant that he had been running his business for 15 years, with no issues, and wanted to expand to be able to offer products and local produce to his customers, including Asian, vegan and locally supplied craft beers, wine and other products that differentiated from the standard market offering. The applicant stated that they were well known locally, kept bees at a neighbouring community project and were seeking to diversify the offer available among the shops in the locality.

The applicant explained that he had no ongoing connection with other Cinnamon Villages stores in the borough and was focused solely on the Blackstock Road operation.  The applicant confirmed that he had and would continue to adhere to the agreed matchday conditions.

The Sub-Committee noted that there was no objection to the application by the responsible authorities and conditions had been agreed with the Police and Noise Team.  The Sub-Committee was satisfied that the licensing objectives would be promoted with the implementation of the agreed conditions.

The Sub-Committee concluded that granting the premises licence was proportionate and appropriate to the promotion of the licensing objectives.


Supporting documents: