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Agenda item

18-20 Tileyard Road, London N7 9AH


The demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a five-storey building plus basement and set-back roof-level plant for light Industrial (Use Class E(g)(iii)) at ground level and flexible labs/R&D/light industrial (Use Class E(g)(ii-iii)) on the upper levels along with waste storage, cycle parking, associated plant, landscaping and other necessary works.


(Planning application number:P2024/1461/FUL)

In the discussion the following points were made:

·The site is located on the south side of Tileyard Road within the Vale Royal / Brewery Road Locally Significant Industrial Site (LSIS). The LSIS comprises predominantly light industrial and warehouse / storage uses interspersed with commercial & cultural uses, mainly focused around Tileyard Studios.

·Planning Officer advised that No. 18 Tileyard Road comprises a two-storey building which has previously provided 1,747sqm of floorspace for Rapha Racing Limited and No.20 which currently is a two-storey building (787sqm GIA), occupied by a catering company (Sands Catering) for light industrial use (Class E(g)(iii) and immediately to the south comprises the artist studios of Sir Anthony Gormley.

·With regards the primary street northern elevation, meeting was advised that scheme has been designed to maximise the active frontage to the street with a light industrial floor space occupying the majority of the ground floor. The rear southern elevation, planning officer stated that it continues the modular principle with strong emphasis with less glazing and the 4th floor is set back and provides terrace planting to reduce massing and visibility from vale royal road and the Artist Studios to the rear.

·Meeting was advised that the proposed development will provide 1298sqm of light industrial floor space at ground floor level which includes associated ancillary floor space at basement and roof levels and the rest of the building from 1st to 4th floor is flexible R&D/light industrial floor space totalling 5794sqm.

·Scheme has a main entrance accessed from Tileyard Road which leads to reception, lobby and lift, stair- case and service entrance and serving the light industrial space only.

·It was noted that the Service core connects directly to the external delivery area including the proposed inset loading bay and another loading bay area of a neighbouring land.

·Meeting was informed that the upper floor provides flexible research and development light industrial floor space as well as access to the core, bathrooms, toilet facilities and other ancillary floor space.

·Submitted plans indicate how the floor space can be subdivided into smaller units suitable for SME’s and for laboratory accommodation and write up space.

·Planning Officer advised that the industrial floor space is considered to be well conceived and that an integral part of the scheme is its well generous floor to ceiling heights and convenient located loading bay dedicated service .

·Meeting was advised that the design to the front elevation has been refined since the initial proposal to reduce the impact of massing.

·Planning Officer advised that in response to the Council’s notification letter 3 objections have been received raising issues of height, bulk, sense of enclosure and the rear of the site overlooking daylight and construction impact.

·In terms of overlooking and loss of primary, meeting was advised that a number of measures have been introduced to reduce overlooking with windows being obscured and landscaping introduced behind the parapet on the 4th floor

·In terms of daylight and sunlight impact, meeting was advised of no loss to neighbouring and residential properties however there is impact to some commercial properties in particular no 4 Tileyard Road and the artist studio to the rear.  Planning Officer stated that affected windows are rooms that have dual aspect and are not affected in terms of daylight distribution

·A number of green landscaping interventions have been introduced to achieve the greening factor required for commercial buildings.

·With regards to delivery and servicing, the Planning Officer advised that  the application proposes to make alterations to the highway in order to create an in-set servicing / delivery bay and in addition, the application proposes to utilise the consented off-street loading bay at 22-23 Tileyard Road, which is a site that is also owned by Kadans, the same applicant who owns both sites ;and that these two servicing bays combined would cater for the servicing needs of the development. Meeting was advised that details of this would be agreed in relevant section 106 and section 278 agreements in the event of planning permission being granted, with the principle of the loading bay being agreed with the Council’s Highways Team.

·Assessment of the proposal includes acceptability of land uses; design and appearance; impact on neighbouring amenity; highways and transportation impacts; including delivery and servicing arrangements; energy and sustainability and planning balance.

·In terms of land uses, the meeting was advised that the proposal is deemed to meet the aspiration of the development local Plan and Policies which supports the protection and intensification of the industrial area. It was also noted that the development also makes a significant contribution towards the Council’s Affordable Work Space programme.

·With regards the design and appearance, the proposal is considered to be of high quality design, with a more active frontage, a better relationship with the street and improved public realm.

·Members were advised that the proposal has no impact on neighbouring amenity or on surrounding highways network, the off- site delivery and servicing is secured by conditions and a S106 agreement with a neighbouring land co-owned by the applicant.

·It was also noted that although there are concerns with regards to the energy and sustainability, meeting was advised that a condition (no 31) will seek measures to improve this shortfall.

·In terms of the whole life carbon and adaptive design, meeting was advised that a suitable justification has now been provided for the existing buildings demolition and redevelopment of the site and that the GLA benchmark for whole- life carbon would be met in part with further improvements will be sought through condition 31 and welcome the use of materials from recycled in line with Policy.

·On the schemes’ energy and sustainability measures, meeting was advised that there in light of a 30.9% reduction in regulated CO2 emissions applicants have provided a carbon offset contribution of £96, 900 for the remaining CO2 emissions and that a condition 27 has been secured for applicant to secure further reductions.

·On the issue of planning obligations, Planning Officer advised that an agreed Employment & Training Strategy has been submitted , an off-site contribution of £1.39m has been provided towards Affordable Workspace , there will be significant enhancements in biodiversity and a UGF of 0.3; a carbon offset contribution of £96k in light of a shortfall in carbon emission; 4No. construction placements or employment / training contribution of £20k; Employment and training contribution for local residents of £21k;  Accessible Transport Contribution of £8k; Section 278 agreement to ensure public realm improvements and the submission of an agreed Green Performance Plans and Travel Plans.

·Member welcomed the applicant’s proposed rain water harvesting which will be recycled for use in the building.

·In terms of planning balance, meeting was advised that although the scheme underperforms on regulated and total carbon emission targets, the benefits of having a co-location of R&D floor space with industrial and its intensification will contribute towards the economic function of the LSIA as an industrial area. In addition scheme will deliver suitable and employment training benefits including AWS contribution secured through s106; increase in employment at the site; a high quality new building; new landscaping which provides an enhanced public realm and improved relationship to the street and no impact on neighbouring residential amenity.

·Members were reminded of minor conflicts with planning policy, notably the proposal’s failure to meet specific energy and sustainability targets, including the operational energy and consequent carbon emissions reductions, which do not meet policy expectations.

·However, it is considered that sufficient justification has been provided that the energy intensive use proposed renders the targets unachievable in this instance and that non-compliance with policy here is outweighed by the benefits outlined above and in the main body of this report. The planning application is also considered to comply with relevant standards and requirements relating to transport, inclusive design, safety and security.

·Studio Director of Anthony Gormley Studio raised concerns about the proposed colour of the render to the rear of the building, its visual impact on the surrounding area particularly when viewed from the studio. The Director stated that a colour that is too dark or overly bright risks creating a stark contrast and diminishing the coherent visual appeal and attraction of the area, requesting that if Committee was minded to grant planning permission that as part of the proposed review that a lighter colour is considered so as to mitigate the visual impact.

·In response the applicant acknowledged the meetings with the studio representatives on a number of issues such as massing, set back and the colour and that a range of colours and materials were considered and the terracotta colour was considered better rather than light brick as it is the predominant colour in the area.

·A member was concerned with the brick colour of the building next to the proposed development is what the entire neighbourhood looks like and that condition 3(e) be amended which will ensure that the pre-cast concrete slabs that faces the building is more sympathetic to the yellow brick which dominates most of the area.

·Committee agreed to amend condition 3e taking into consideration the views from the Anthony Gormley Studios.


Councillor Klute proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Convery and carried.





That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and the amended  condition stated above; and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.


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