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Committee details

Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

The Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee is the council’s main scrutiny committee.  It coordinates the work of the council's four scrutiny review committees and can play an important role in reviewing decisions made by the Executive. If five or more councillors request such a review, the committee can call in a decision made by the Executive before it is implemented and consider if the decision should be recommended back to the Executive for further consideration. If the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee considers that the Executive's decision does not follow the council's policy or budgetary framework, it can refer the decision to a meeting of full Council.


Reviewing services provided to local people

Each year, Islington's review committees carry out reviews of the council's policies, performance and practice. They can also look at how partner organisations conduct their business. During a review, committee members gather evidence in a variety of ways, including visiting organisations and other local authorities and receiving witness evidence, including from residents. When the committee has all the evidence they need, they make a number of recommendations to Executive to improve services and monitor their implementation 12 months on. 


Coordination of review committees

The Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee coordinates the work of the review committees by drawing up an annual work programme.  It also receives regular updates on the progress of reviews.


Review Committees

The council has the following review committees: Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee (which has overall responsibility for scrutiny and the work programme), Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, Health and Care Scrutiny Committee, Housing Scrutiny Committee and Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee

If you have any questions please contact:


Jonathan Moore

Committee Services Manager  
