Attending meetings
Islington Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it conducts its business. The majority of the important decisions the council makes are made at meetings of the Executive, full Council or one of the council's committees. The meetings are held in public and members of the public are very welcome to attend. The majority of meetings are also webcast, allowing the public to watch the meeting live online, rather than attending in person. If there are confidential or exempt matters to be discussed, part of the meeting may be in private, but this is very rare.
The Meetings Calendar shows which meetings are taking place each month, or you can view the list of meetings for an individual committee under the Committees page. The individual committee pages also lists the members, includes a brief description of the committee's role and the contact details of the committee clerk who can assist with any enquiries.
The meeting agenda and all non-exempt papers are publically
accessible documents and these are available five working days
before each meeting. Papers can be downloaded either via the
Meetings Calendar or the list of meetings
under the Committees page. If a meeting is being recorded and is available on our webcasting service, then a link will be available on the webpage for each meeting.
The council welcomes attendance by members of the public, however please be aware that meeting rooms are currently operating with a limited capacity and we will only be able to admit a small number of people to into meetings. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The procedures followed at some meetings, such as Planning committees, are governed by legislation, but it is usually possible for members of the public to speak either for or against an application. If you wish to speak at a Planning meeting, please follow the advice you will receive when you register to speak with the Planning department.
Special notice regarding Council Chamber capacity
Unfortunately, following instructions received from the Council’s Fire Safety consultant, we are currently only allowed to admit 90 people to the Council Chamber.
We have been advised that the rear fire escape is not safe and cannot be used. This means there is only one point of entry/escape and it is unsafe to allow more than 90 people into the room.
We are working on a project to reinstate the rear fire escape, but it unfortunately requires significant re-design and the removal of a later extension to the building to comply with current safety regulations and there is no quick solution.
In the meantime, it is unfortunately necessary for us to manage who is admitted to the Chamber, so that people who have submitted questions in advance, or are presenting a petition, can participate in the meeting.
The meeting can be viewed from the public gallery, which can seat 20 people, or you can view a live webcast of the meeting
Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Questions at Council meetings
At ordinary meetings of full Council, members of the public may ask questions of the Leader, another member of the Executive or the Chair of any scrutiny committee. Members of the public may ask one
question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers
or duties or which affects the borough. The time set aside for
questions from members of the public is 30
Please note that questions cannot be asked at the Annual Council meeting, which is a cermonial meeting held each year to elect the Mayor of Islington.