Councillor Troy Gallagher
Party: Labour Party
Political grouping: Labour Party Group
Ward: Bunhill
Other councillors representing this Ward:
More information about this councillor
- Seek this councillor's assistance with an issue
- Attendance record
- Declarations at meetings
- Register of interests
- Gifts and hospitalities
Surgery details
Cllr Gallagher first Thursday of the month from 6pm – 7pm at St Luke's Centre, 90 Central Street, London, EC1V 8AJ. Venue is wheelchair accessible.
There is no surgery in August or on Bank Holidays.
Your Bunhill ward councillors will also be having frequent roving surgeries and you can also arrange an appointment to see them. Please contact your councillors directly for further details.
Contact information
Correspondence address:
Town Hall
Upper Street
N1 2UD
Phone: 020 7527 3114 message only
Download Councillor Troy Gallagher contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Annual Council
- Audit and Risk Committee (Substitute)
- Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)
- Council
- Employment and Appointments Committee (Substitute)
- Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee
- Homes and Communities Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)
- Investigating and Disciplinary Committee
- Pensions BoardEmployer representative
Terms of Office
- 06/05/2010 - 22/05/2014
- 22/05/2014 - 03/05/2018
- 03/05/2018 - 05/05/2022
- 05/05/2022 -