Issue - meetings
Procurement strategy and contract award for security, static guarding and key holding services for public buildings
Meeting: 26/11/2020 - Executive (Item 771)
Additional documents:
Reasons for decision – as specified in the report
Other options considered – as specified in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
i. That the procurement strategy and contract award for Security, Static Guarding and Key Holding Services for Public Buildings to the value of £7million to MITIE Security Limited for a period of 5 years commencing on 1 March 2021, with the option for the council to extend for 2 years, be approved.
ii. That the importance to maintain council-wide security, static guarding and key holding services for Islington’s public buildings for staff and residents be noted.
iii. That the social value outcomes that formed part of the procurement strategy and tender evaluation be noted.
Reasons for decision – to support the continued delivery of front of house security for the Council’s public buildings, key holding service if an alarm activates out-of-hours, and event security.
Other options considered – as specified in the report, insourcing was considered, however it was concluded that this would not represent best value.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none