Issue - meetings
Procurement strategy for mental health accommodation pathway services
Meeting: 21/01/2021 - Executive (Item 779)
779 Procurement strategy for mental health accommodation pathway services PDF 231 KB
Additional documents:
Reasons for decision – as specified in the report
Other options considered – as specified in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
That the procurement strategy for mental health accommodation services be approved, specifically Option 4 (re-procure via competitive procedure with negotiation) as outlined in the report.
Reasons for decision – to meet current and future needs, increase efficiency, and enable people currently placed in expensive out of area residential care placements to return to borough.
Other options considered – other options considered included re-procuring services in their current form, in-house service delivery, and re-procuring with another borough.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none