Issue - meetings
Procurement strategy for Highways Contract
Meeting: 14/10/2021 - Executive (Item 840)
840 Procurement strategy for Highways Contract PDF 195 KB
Additional documents:
- Highways - Appendix 1 - Resident Impact Assessment, item 840 PDF 176 KB
- Highways - Appendix 2 - Options Appraisal, item 840 PDF 103 KB
- Highways - Appendix 3 - Contract Analysis, item 840 PDF 65 KB
- Webcast for Procurement strategy for Highways Contract
Reasons for decision – to appoint a suitable contractor through a contract that reflects Islington’s needs and priorities
Other options considered – other options included partnering with another borough, entering into a call-off contract from an existing framework agreement, a competitive tender exercise, and insourcing.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
a) That the procurement strategy for Highway Works be approved as outlined in the report at paragraph 3.4, with Option 5, a mixture external delivery through a competitive tender and a greater retention of work being delivered by the in-house resource, being the recommended procurement strategy;
b) That authority to award the contract be delegated to the Corporate Director of Environment in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Transport.
Reasons for decision – to appoint a suitable contractor through a contract that reflects Islington’s needs and priorities
Other options considered – other options included partnering with another borough, entering into a call-off contract from an existing framework agreement, a competitive tender exercise, and insourcing.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none