Issue - meetings
Community Municipal Investment (CMI)
Meeting: 14/10/2021 - Executive (Item 839)
839 Community Municipal Investment PDF 819 KB
Additional documents:
Reasons for decision – to engage with residents to support the net zero carbon
strategy and part-fund the latest approved capital programme for 2021/22 to 2023/24.
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
a) That the launch of a Community Municipal Investment (CMI) with Abundance Investment be agreed;
b) That the timeline, including the launch of the CMI at the “Islington Together: Let’s talk about a greener future” festival before COP26, be noted.
c) That the plan to launch an initial CMI for £1.0m with a 5 year maturity at a rate which will match or undercut PWLB borrowing rates be noted.
d) That the plan to use proceeds to part-fund a package of approved programmes that contribute to a net reduction in carbon emissions in the Borough be noted (paragraph 4.15 of the report); and the Corporate Director of Environment be authorised to amend the schedule of projects following consultation with the Executive Member.
Reasons for decision – to engage with residents to support the net zero carbon
strategy and part-fund the latest approved capital programme for 2021/22 to 2023/24.
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none