Issue - meetings
Contract award for Harvist Estate and St Luke's Estate lift modernisations
Meeting: 20/07/2023 - Executive (Item 138)
138 Contract award for Harvist Estate and St Luke's Estate lift modernisations PDF 291 KB
Additional documents:
- 2122-0322_EQIA_rpt_2022-signed, item 138 PDF 195 KB
- Webcast for Contract award for Harvist Estate and St Luke's Estate lift modernisations
AGREED recommendation.
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
To approve the award of a contract for lift renewals at Harvist Estate and St Luke’s Estate to Amalgamated Lifts Limited, for the sum of £5,169,906.
Reasons for the decision – To ensure the compliance of the lifts on both estates, increase their availability and reduce maintenance shutdowns. Amalgamated Lifts Limited offered best value to the Council.
Other options considered – Three tenders in total were considered.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none