Issue - meetings
Housing Allocations scheme
Meeting: 20/07/2023 - Executive (Item 135)
135 Housing Allocations scheme PDF 436 KB
Additional documents:
- allocation_scheme_2023_draft_final_ac_June23, item 135 PDF 824 KB
- Allocations Scheme Changes_final 09.06.23, item 135 PDF 295 KB
- RIA Allocation scheme 2022 final updated v5, item 135 PDF 510 KB
- Webcast for Housing Allocations scheme
AGREED recommendations.
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
(a) That the contents of the report of the Executive Member for Homes and Communities be noted.
(b) To note the statutory and online consultation responses received and detailed in the report.
(c) To approve the changes to the Housing Allocation Scheme (the Scheme) recommended within the report.
(d) That the Acting Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods be authorised to approve the final version of the Scheme, following consultation with the Executive Member for Homes and Communities.
(e) To note that the Equalities Impact Assessment showed no unintended or disproportionate effects were likely to arise for applicants with protected characteristics.
(f) That the Acting Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods be authorised to approve the draft of the final and lawful version of the Allocations Scheme, based on the recommended changes within the report, following consultation with the Executive Member of Homes and Communities.
Reasons for the decision – The implementation of the new housing allocations scheme would make Islington a more equal place to live and also promote the council’s CARE values.
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none