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Issue - meetings

Procurement strategy for Mental Health Employment Service

Meeting: 19/10/2023 - Executive (Item 164)

164 Procurement strategy for Mental Health Employment Service pdf icon PDF 360 KB

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AGREED recommendations.


Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




(a) To approve the procurement strategy for the Mental Health Employment Support Service, as outlined in the report of the Executive Member for Health and Social Care.

(b) To delegate authority to award the contract to the Director for Adult Social Care, following consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Social Care.


Reasons for the decision – to secure best value for money and maximise opportunities to benefit residents. The new approach would further develop an integrated pathway between specialist mental health employment support and the Council’s adult employment service to ensure clearer pathways and improved job outcomes for residents.

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none