Issue - meetings
Purchase of 100 ex-Right to Buy properties
Meeting: 20/07/2023 - Executive (Item 134)
134 Purchase of 100 ex-Right to Buy properties PDF 597 KB
Additional documents:
- General Exception Notice - Ex-RTB Properties - July 2023, item 134 PDF 160 KB
- Webcast for Purchase of 100 ex-Right to Buy properties
AGREED recommendations and that officers be thanked for their work on this.
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
(a) To approve the borrowing of £26,359,000 within the Housing Revenue Account to supplement the funding provided by the GLA/Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUH&C) to enable the council to purchase 40 x 1 bedroom xx Right to Buy properties, for care experienced young adults and people sleeping rough in Islington, or the prevention of people sleeping rough, 20 x 2 bedroom ex Right to Buy properties, 20 x 3 bedroom ex Right to Buy properties and 20 x 4 bedroom ex Right to Buy properties, for people who are homeless from Afghanistan and the Ukraine, as part of the Council’s humanitarian housing work.
(b) To note the capital funding totalling £20,591,000 allocated to Islington Council by the DLUH&C/GLA and to commence the purchase of 40 x one bedroom former ex Right to Buy properties in Islington to accommodate homeless households with a local connection to Islington. In addition to this, to note the capital funding allocated to Islington Council by the DLUH&C/GLA and to commence the purchase of 20 x 2 bedroom, 20 x 3 bedroom and 20 x 4 bedroom former ex Right to Buy properties in Islington to accommodate people through the homeless and Ukraine/Afghanistan humanitarian housing work.
(c) To note the funding and to commence the purchase of these properties immediately.
(d) To approve the budget increases as outlined in 4.1.3 of the report of the Executive Member for Homes and Communities.
(e) That officers be thanked for their work on this initiative.
Reasons for the decision – To assist the Council’s commitment of ending homelessness in Islington and to provide adequately for care-experienced young adults.
Other options considered – a range of options was considered
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none