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Issue - meetings

Flexible use of capital receipts

Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Council (Item 257)

257 Flexible use of capital receipts strategy pdf icon PDF 252 KB

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Councillor Ward moved the recommendations in the report.


The recommendations were put to the vote and CARRIED.




a)     That the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts strategy for 2023/24 be approved, and it be noted that approving the strategy does not commit the council to using it.


b)     That responsibility for the adoption of the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts strategy be delegated to the Section 151 Officer, if it is considered appropriate to do so at the end of the financial year in the context of the council’s overall financial position.

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - Executive (Item 148)

148 Flexible use of capital receipts pdf icon PDF 382 KB

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AGREED recommendations.


Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




(a) To recommend the “Flexible Use of Capital Receipts strategy”, detailed in the report of the Corporate Director of Resources, for approval at Council.

(b) To delegate approval to the Section 151 Officer to make appropriate funding decisions in consideration of the Council’s overall financial position.


Reasons for the decision – To reduce the burden on the Council’s earmarked reserves and consequently support the financial resilience of the Council

Other options considered none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted none