Issue - meetings
Local Initiatives Fund awards
Meeting: 21/11/2023 - Voluntary and Community Sector Committee (Item 35)
35 Local Initiatives Fund awards PDF 174 KB
Additional documents:
- LIF Appendix A VCSC 21.11.23, item 35 PDF 230 KB
- LIF Appendix B VCSC 21.11.23, item 35 PDF 108 KB
- Webcast for Local Initiatives Fund awards
The Report was amended on submission as
follows :
paragraph 4.3 - Cllr Anjna Khurana is a
trustee of Hanley Crouch Community Association that has been
allocated £2,004.61 for a Tollington ward partnership fun
dayand £1780 for a
women’s pampering day on behalf of Cllr Saiqa
Reason for decision- as specified in the report
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest/Any dispensation granted - none
Councillor O’Halloran, Executive Member for Homes and Communities introduced the report, which has been amended on submission as follows: paragraph 4.3 - Cllr Anjna Khurana is a trustee of Hanley Crouch Community Association that has been allocated £2,004.61 for a Tollington ward partnership fun day and £1780 for a women’s pampering day on behalf of Cllr Saiqa Pandor
1. To note the new proposals and changes to previous proposals submitted by ward councillors as set out in Appendix A and to agree these proposals in principle subject to the Corporate Director of Community Engagement and Wellbeing being satisfied that the necessary checks have been made and any other issues resolved.
2. To note the declarations of interest made by councillors due to having a connection with organisations that they are recommending funding for. These are detailed at paragraph 4.3.
3. To note the amendments to ward budgets resulting from project funding being returned. The amendments are detailed in Appendix B and are included in the budget summary on the last page of Appendix A.
4. To agree that no more than £1000 underspend per ward can be carried forward by councillors to 2024/25.
5. To continue with delegated authority to the Corporate Director Community Engagement and Wellbeing, in consultation with the Executive Member for Homes and Communities, to make changes to the use of previously awarded funding.
6. To note that further applications received for projects addressing the cost of living crisis will revert to being considered by councillors as the extra NLWA funding is now all exhausted
Reason for decision- as specified in the report
Other options considered – none
Conflicts of interest/Any dispensation granted - none