Issue - meetings
Islington Together: Next steps 1028695
Meeting: 18/07/2024 - Executive (Item 252)
252 Islington Together: next steps PDF 242 KB
Additional documents:
- A- Islington Together Delivery Plan 2024_26 v2, item 252
- APPENDIX B, item 252
PDF 311 KB
- C- LB Islington Productivity Plan July 2024, item 252
PDF 211 KB
- Appendix D EQIA Screening Tool 2023 - Islington Together Next Steps FINAL, item 252
PDF 182 KB
- Webcast for Islington Together: next steps
1. To endorse the way forward set out in this report.
2. Agree to the Islington Together Delivery Plan 2024 to 2026, as outlined in Appendix A and note that the associated performance indicators that will be reported quarterly to the Executive from the autumn 2024.
3. Note the business planning framework that is being designed and piloted for implementation in late 2024/early 2025 as outlined in section 3.8 and Appendix B.
4. Agree to the establishment of an Islington Together Change Programme and governance, as outlined in section 3.10 to 3.18.
5. Note the response to the requirement for local authorities to produce Productivity Plans, as outlined in section 3.19 and Appendix C.
6. Note the top-level structure for the Corporate Management Team as outlined in 3.21 to 3.25 section of this report, subject to formal consultation with affected colleagues.
7. Note the proposals on working with our partners outlined in section 3.36 and suggested next steps through discussions with partners.
8. Note that naming conventions will need to change in the Constitution to reflect the new Corporate Management Team structure e.g. financial regulations and the scheme of delegation.
9. Agree to a Local Government Association Corporate Peer Review in late 2024.
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – as detailed in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
1. To endorse the way forward set out in the report of the Leader of the Council.
2. To agree to the Islington Together Delivery Plan 2024 to 2026, as outlined in Appendix A to the report, and note that the associated performance indicators would be reported quarterly to the Executive, from the autumn of 2024.
3. To note the business planning framework that was being designed and piloted for implementation in late 2024/early 2025, as outlined in section 3.8 and Appendix B of the report.
4. To agree to the establishment of an Islington Together Change Programme and governance.
5. To note the response to the requirement for local authorities to produce Productivity Plans, as outlined in the report.
6. To note the top-level structure for the Council’s Corporate Management Team, subject to formal consultation with affected colleagues.
7. To note the proposals on working with our partners, as outlined in the report, and suggested next steps through discussions with partners.
8. To note that naming conventions would need to change in the Constitution to reflect the new Corporate Management Team structure e.g. Financial Regulations and the Scheme of Delegation.
9. Agree to a Local Government Association Corporate Peer Review in late 2024.
Reasons for the decision – To take forward a new Islington Together Delivery Plan to ensure delivery against the Council’s missions, underpinned by key organisational infrastructure, such as a revised business planning framework, performance management and change framework. An ongoing approach to working with the Council’s communities and partners and within its own organisation would ensure the creation of a more equal future for Islington’s communities.
Other options considered – a wide range of options was considered, all as detailed in the report.
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none