Issue - meetings
Report of the Health and Care Scrutiny Committee: Access to Health and Care Services in Islington
Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Executive (Item 271)
Additional documents:
- Health and Care Scrutiny Committee Review 2023-24 Access to Health and Care Services - Final, item 271
- Webcast for Report of the Health and Care Scrutiny Committee: Access to Health and Care Services in Islington
1.That the report of the Health and Care Scrutiny Committee be received.
2.That the Executive Member’s response be reported to a future meeting of the
Executive, including having due regard to any relevant implications of the
Committee’s recommendations.
Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report
Other options considered – as detailed in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
a) That the report of the Health and Care Scrutiny Committee be received.
b) That the Executive Member’s response be reported to a future
meeting of the Executive, including having due regard to any relevant
implications of the Committee’s recommendations.
Reasons for the decision – The overall aim of the review was to consider
whether residents were able to access health and care services in Islington
effectively; specifically, GP appointments, and the Adult Social Care ‘front
door’ and to consider what themes or recommendations could improve service
delivery. In considering the evidence received, the Committee concluded that,
while some residents had positive experiences of accessing health and care
services, others had been having trouble in accessing services and there were
several ways that access to services could be improved.
Other options considered – as detailed in the report
Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none