Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD. View directions
No. | Item |
Minute's Silence Minutes: Prior to the commencement of the meeting, a minute’s silence was held for former councillor and Leader of the Council Steve Hitchins who passed away on 24th September. Members of the Council paid tribute to former councillor Hitchins. |
The Minutes of the previous meetings held on 27 June 2019 and 25 July 2019. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meetings held on 27 June and 25 July be agreed as a correct record and the Mayor be authorised to sign them. |
Declarations of Interest If you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest* in an item of business: § if it is not yet on the council’s register, you must declare both the existence and details of it at the start of the meeting or when it becomes apparent; § you may choose to declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest that is already in the register in the interests of openness and transparency. In both the above cases, you must leave the room without participating in discussion of the item.
If you have a personal interest in an item of business and you intend to speak or vote on the item you must declare both the existence and details of it at the start of the meeting or when it becomes apparent but you may participate in the discussion and vote on the item.
*(a) Employment, etc - Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain. (b) Sponsorship - Any payment or other financial benefit in respect of your expenses in carrying out duties as a member, or of your election; including from a trade union. (c) Contracts - Any current contract for goods, services or works, between you or your partner (or a body in which one of you has a beneficial interest) and the council. (d) Land - Any beneficial interest in land which is within the council’s area. (e) Licences - Any licence to occupy land in the council’s area for a month or longer. (f) Corporate tenancies - Any tenancy between the council and a body in which you or your partner have a beneficial interest. (g) Securities - Any beneficial interest in securities of a body which has a place of business or land in the council’s area, if the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body or of any one class of its issued share capital.
This applies to all members present at the meeting.
Minutes: The Mayor advised that all councillors had a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to Motion 3, ‘A Fully Funded, Proper Pay Rise for Council and School Workers’, as the Members’ Allowances Scheme links councillor allowances to the Local Government Pay Settlement. The Monitoring Officer had granted a dispensation to all members of the Council to allow the Motion to be considered.
Members of the Unison, Unite and GMB trade unions had a personal interest in Motion 3. Councillors Bell-Bradford, Burgess, Caluori, Champion, Chapman, Chowdhury, Convery, Comer-Schwartz, Cutler, Debono, Fletcher, Gallagher, Gantly, Hamitouche, Hull, Hyde, Ismail, Jeapes, Kay, Khondoker, Khurana, Lukes, Mackmurdie, Nathan, N’gongo, O’Halloran, O’Sullivan, Shaikh, Smith, Turan, Ward, Watts, Wayne, Webbe and Williamson declared a personal interest in relation to the Motion. |
Mayoral Announcements (i) Apologies (ii) Order of business (iii) Declaration of discussion items (iv) Mayor’s announcements (v) Length of speeches Minutes: (i) Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Spall, Caluori and Picknell.
Apologies for lateness were received from Councillors Khondoker and Gantly.
(ii) Order of Business
No changes were proposed to the order of business.
(iii) Declaration of Discussion Items
No discussion items were declared.
(iv) Mayor’s Announcements
The Mayor had attended several great events over the summer, including Archway Festival, Soul in the City Festival, Hillrise Summer Fair and the excellent Angel Canal Festival. The Mayor was proud to represent a borough with such diversity and strong community spirit. It was amazing to see so many local people, and many councillors, at these community events. The Mayor commented that she looked forward to working with the council to further develop Eid celebrations in future years.
The Mayor had attended the Islington in Bloom Awards. The awards recognised local people for their contribution to the local environment. The Mayor said that it is important that we look after our green spaces and do our best to make Islington beautiful. The Mayor thanked everyone who took part in the competition. The Mayor announced that the winner of “Best Ward” was Highbury West and presented a trophy to the Highbury West ward councillors, with Councillor Webbe, the Executive Member for Environment and Transport.
The Mayor had attended the Climate Strike outside of the Town Hall on Friday 20th September. The Mayor said that the climate emergency is an important issue and the Council would have discussions on this topic tonight and at future meetings.
The Mayor congratulated Islington’s young people on their excellent exam results. The Mayor attended St Aloysius, Central Foundation and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson schools on GCSE Results Day and was impressed with the determination and hard work of Islington’s young people. The Mayor said that we should be very proud of progress our local schools have made over recent years.
The Mayor encouraged everyone to attend the Remembrance Sunday events in November.
On behalf of the Council, the Mayor passed on her best wishes to Maggie Kufeldt, the former Corporate Director of Housing and Adult Social Services and Head of Paid Service, who was leaving Islington and taking up a new role in Camden.
The Mayor welcomed Linzi Roberts-Egan, the new Chief Executive, to the Council. The Mayor said that councillors were looking forward to working with the new Chief Executive.
(v) Length of Speeches
The Mayor reminded members to take note of the timer and to keep within the permitted length for speeches. |
Leader's Announcements Minutes: Councillor Watts thanked the Mayor and welcomed Linzi Roberts-Egan, the new Chief Executive, to the meeting. Councillor Watts also thanked Maggie Kufeldt for her contribution to the council and wished her the best in her new role.
Councillor Watts noted the government’s recent one year spending announcement and expressed his disappointment that the government had not acted on its previous announcement that austerity was over. Councillor Watts had been involved in budget discussions with government through his role at the Local Government Association. The budget cuts would not be as immediate as in previous years, however since 2010 the Council’s budget had been cut by around £270m a year. Councillor Watts was proud at how the Council had stood up to the austerity agenda and also how the Council had protected the services that residents value most. Councillor Watts had written to the government prior to the spending review demanding proper funding for local government, money to deliver genuinely affordable council housing, support for early intervention to keep young people safe, changing national policies to ensure that local authorities are funded and supported to tackle the climate emergency, and reform of the grossly unfair business rates system to ensure that small local businesses receive a fair deal. These demands had not been met through the spending announcement. Councillor Watts said that the spending announcement was not the end of austerity, it was a continued attack on public services by the government. Councillor Watts said that the Council would continue to challenge the government on these matters as austerity had decimated the services that local communities rely on.
Councillor Watts said he was surprised to read allegations that the Council had done nothing to act on the climate emergency. This was not true. The Council was developing a detailed action plan to achieve net zero carbon by 2030 and the Council was committed to holding a public consultation on the plan. The Council had lobbied the government to provide the resources to allow the Council to make its plans a reality. The Council had successfully lobbied for the government to restore the climate change levy exemption for renewable energy which made it cheaper for local authorities to purchase energy from renewable sources. All council decisions were now required to consider the climate change implications and their contribution to achieving net zero carbon by 2030. New key performance indicators had been agreed to enable the council to evaluate its progress on carbon reduction. The council had continued to decarbonise its pension fund and was working on plans to stop heavy goods vehicles from driving on residential roads in the borough. The Council had also lobbied the Mayor of London to deliver all electric buses at the Holloway bus garage. The Leader was delighted to confirm that the Mayor of London had taken this into account and the 43 bus route was one of the first all-electric double decker bus routes in the country. Councillor Watts thanked Fossil Free Islington and other campaign ... view the full minutes text for item 74. |
Petitions Minutes: Sebastian Sandys presented a petition regarding the climate emergency, calling on members of the Council to participate in a forthcoming event held by Extinction Rebellion. |
Minutes: The petition was presented by Jen Cronin.
Councillor Webbe moved the motion to debate the petition. Councillor Clarke seconded. Councillors Russell and Heather contributed to the debate. Councillor Webbe exercised her right of reply.
The following main points were raised during the debate:
· Climate change was having a devastating impact on communities around the world and urgent action was needed to advert climate catastrophe. · Islington Council had proudly declared a climate emergency at its 27 June 2019 meeting. · Islington was the 12th best local authority in the UK for carbon emission reduction and the best in London. · Islington Council had implemented a number of measures to bring about climate justice. These included setting up London’s first municipal energy provider for over a century; Angelic Energy gave all households in the borough the opportunity to purchase 100% renewable energy at fairer prices. Islington Council was one of the first local authorities to establish a carbon offset fund, which ensured that any additional carbon produced by developers in the borough was charged for and the proceeds paid for projects to reduce emissions. Islington was the first borough to introduce emissions based parking permits through the diesel surcharge. · Further work was required to meet the target of net zero carbon by 2030 and detail would be published in an action plan in due course. This would be subject to public consultation. · Change at a national level was also required to achieve the net zero carbon target. Members called on government to invest in new sustainable energy sources, develop green jobs and fund local authorities to implement environmental improvements in their area. · Reducing carbon emissions in Islington would improve the health and wellbeing of local people. · It was suggested that Islington Council needed to act faster to implement the measures required to achieve the net zero carbon target. In response, it was commented that some would always consider that the council was not acting fast enough, however the council would publish a comprehensive action plan that would be available for public consultation in early 2020. All of those present were encouraged to engage in the consultation process. · It was commented that local councillors understood climate issues and the need for decisive action. · Developing a low-carbon economy would be crucial to advert climate disaster. · Achieving significant climate improvements would require collaboration between local, regional and national government. · The Council was open to new ideas and suggestions for how it could address the climate emergency. · Councillors thanked members of the public for campaigning on this issue.
To continue to encourage residents to participate in local democracy by carefully considering the concerns raised in the petition and to undertake the debate in a spirit of openness and transparency.
Questions from Members of the Public PDF 59 KB Minutes: Question (a) from Rose Pryce to Councillor Burgess, Executive Member for Health and Social Care:
The dangers of EMF radiation from wireless technology have prompted the U.K. towns of Glastonbury, Frome and Totnes to apply the Precautionary Principle and halt the roll out of 5G. (The cities of Brussels & Geneva have done the same and there are many other worldwide campaigns to stop it). With zero studies to prove that 5G will be safe and considering its Duty Of Care, why isn’t Islington Council also putting the health of its community - particularly our children - first?
Thank you for your question and for drawing my attention to the position of Frome, Glastonbury and Totnes. I note that Glastonbury Council have passed a motion resisting the rollout of 5G equipment, however Glastonbury Council will not be able to put the motion into effect, because planning policies and planning decisions must be in accordance with national planning guidelines. These have been set by national government and have recently been updated. Our position in Islington is informed by the national guidance regarding radio frequency electromagnetic fields and their impact on health. The guidance is based on the latest scientific evidence.
There have been many scientific research projects and studies looking at the impact of exposure to radio waves on health. This body of research has been examined by groups of UK and international independent experts, who have concluded that there is no evidence of adverse health effects if exposure remains below the levels set by current standards. In fact, the World Health Organisation has classified the health effect of radio frequency radiation in the same category as using talcum powder, so I hope that is of some reassurance. However, I do assure you that the council will continue to regularly review our position, based on the latest scientific evidence, national guidance from Public Health England, and national planning policy, to ensure we continue to deliver a healthy Islington for all. Thank you again for your question.
Supplementary question:
Thank you. Can this be raised properly as an issue at a future meeting and given more time so that more evidence can be discussed?
Thank you. The business that is carried on in this chamber does follow certain rules, but you will have seen tonight that there was a petition that attracted a lot of signatures and triggered a debate. However, I do emphasise, we can only follow the law and the guidelines, including from the World Health Organisation in this case, which is a pretty respected organisation.
Question (b) from John Hartley to Councillor Webbe, Executive Member for Environment & Transport:
I was shocked to discover that Islington does not provide a food waste recycling service to many flats, including for example, Xchange Point in Market Road. Modern, gated, plenty of ground level storage areas, with a regular refuse and recycling service – this large block of flats does not have a food waste communal collecting point because Islington will not ... view the full minutes text for item 77. |
Questions from Members of the Council PDF 58 KB Minutes: Question (a) from Councillor Heather to Councillor Hull, Executive Member for Finance, Performance and Community Safety:
Finsbury Park Ward is afflicted by a drug related crime crisis. The ward also has high levels of anti-social behaviour (ASB) related to business activities, with motor traffic offences being committed regularly by Uber and Deliveroo delivery drivers, servicing food and alcohol retailers, whose activities are proving to be incompatible with ethical trading and the well-being of residents living nearby.
In view of this situation, would you agree that in order to tackle these problems more effectively, the council and the police need to work together much more closely with people in the local community, and that to assist this cooperation the processes for reporting crime and ASB to the authorities, and the procedures for using CCTV to prevent and detect crime and ASB, need to be improved and communicated much more effectively to the public?
Thank you for the question, Gary. Islington Council is committed to making our borough a safer place for everyone. To tackle anti-social behaviour effectively we must continue to work with police, other partners and the wider community. That is why we share the deep concerns expressed by local residents, businesses, councillors and police about current levels of drug dealing, drug use and associated issues of antisocial behaviour, crime and violence in the wider Finsbury Park area.
The Safer Islington Partnership has taken on the issue of drug-related offending as one of its five key priorities for this year. We have put in place a joint Finsbury Park Community Safety Plan, involving council and police colleagues in Hackney, Haringey and British Transport Police, and will continue to work with other partners like the NHS and local charities to tackle the problems you have raised. We are committed to improving the safety, security and welfare of all of the area’s residents and have already introduced a number of measures in the Finsbury Park are to prevent and tackle crime including –
• seven extra uniformed police officers • increased the size of policing teams • increased police patrols, stop-and-searches and arrests • a knife-bin outside St Mellitus Church • installed new CCTV cameras in crime hotspots • physical improvements to ‘design out’ crime • needle-exchange schemes • disabled the free-calls-to-mobiles function on BT Inlink booths • expanded the network of Safe Havens • substance misuse support for both adults and young people • specialist targeted support for children at risk and their families • safe and secure accommodation for rough sleepers • an extensive programme of positive activities for young people during the summer.
These measures have already seen the closure of 8 crack houses, the removal of over 1,00 weapons from local streets and helped get 39 rough sleeper from Stroud Green Road into secure accommodation.
We are also working hard to find practical ways to reduce the anti-social behaviour caused by the congregation of delivery drivers linked to the gig economy including tackling noise pollution and parking ... view the full minutes text for item 78. |
Byelaw for the Management of Barbeques on Highbury Fields PDF 179 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Webbe moved the recommendations in the report. Councillor Gill seconded. Councillor Russell contributed to the debate. Councillor Webbe exercised her right of reply.
The recommendations in the report were put to the vote and CARRIED.
That it be noted that the Council has now received provisional
approval for the barbecue byelaw submitted to them on 14 June from
the Secretary of State, and further that the Secretary of State has
stated that subject to the consideration of any objections which
the Secretary of State may receive, the byelaws may be submitted to
the department for confirmation if they are formally adopted by the
Council. (ii) That the Proposed Byelaw, as set out at Appendix 2 to the report submitted, be adopted and to proceed with the next steps to formalise the byelaw as set out in the report. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Webbe moved the recommendations in the report. Councillor Gill seconded. The recommendations in the report were put to the vote and CARRIED.
That authority be delegated to London Councils
Transport and Environment Committee to make a byelaw to regulate
dockless vehicles in Islington, as set
out in paragraph 3.10 of the report submitted. (ii) That the Council’s Acting Director of Law and Governance be authorised to sign any necessary documents to give effect to the amendment to the London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee Governing Agreement dated 13 December 2001 (as amended). |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Mayor advised that a revised report has been circulated in the second despatch of papers.
Councillor Gill moved the recommendations in the report. Councillor Hamitouche seconded. The recommendations in the report were put to the vote and CARRIED.
(i) That Cllr Cutler be appointed to the board of City of London Academy Islington from 15 October 2019 for a four year term or until a successor is appointed.
(ii) That Cllr Heather be appointed to the board of the Finsbury Park Trust from 15 December 2019 for a three year term or until a successor is appointed.
(iii) That Cllr Shaikh be appointed a substitute member of the board of the Finsbury Park Trust from 15 December 2019 for a three year term or until a successor is appointed.
(iv) That Cllr Gill be appointed to the Community Chest Panel with immediate effect for the remainder of the municipal year or until a successor is appointed.
(v) That Laura Eden, Director of Youth and Communities, be appointed as the substitute member for Carmel Littleton, Corporate Director – People Directorate, on the Health and Wellbeing Board.
(vi) That Zaleera Wallace be appointed as the Secondary Parent Governor Representative on the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee for a four year term or until a successor is appointed.
(vii) That the designation of the Executive Member for Finance, Performance and Community Safety as the Champion for Victims (of crime) be noted.
(viii) That the following paragraph is removed from the Personnel Sub Committee’s Terms of Reference: ‘The making of the council’s personnel policies and procedures and the setting of the terms and conditions of employment.’ |
Where a motion concerns an executive function, nothing passed can be actioned until approved by the Executive or an officer with the relevant delegated power.
Additional documents: Minutes: Motion 1 – Women’s Night Safety Charter
Councillor O’Halloran moved the motion. Councillor Woodbyrne seconded. Councillor Russell contributed to the debate.
The motion was put to the vote and CARRIED.
(i) To support and deliver on all the pledges within the Women’s Night Safety Charter. (ii) To encourage other businesses and organisations in Islington that operate at night to sign-up to the Women’s Night Safety Charter. (iii) To monitor the number of Islington businesses and organisations that sign-up to the Women’s Night Safety Charter as part of the Council’s efforts to prevent and reduce violence against women and girls in the borough. (iv) To work with the Mayor of London to seek to make London a safer city at night for all.
Motion 2 – Opposing a ‘No Deal’ Brexit
The Mayor advised that a proposed amendment to the motion had been circulated in the additional despatch of papers.
Councillor Watts moved the motion. Councillor O’Halloran seconded. Councillor Russell moved her amendment. Councillor Lukes contributed to the debate.
The amendment was put to the vote and LOST.
The motion was put to the vote and CARRIED.
(i) That the Council is opposed in the strongest terms to a ‘No Deal’ Brexit; (ii) That a ‘No Deal’ Brexit should be ruled out by the Government, an extension to the date the UK is due to leave the EU negotiated and then a General Election should be called to give people their say.
Motion 3 – A Fully Funded, Proper Pay Rise for Council and School Workers
The Mayor advised that a proposed amendment to the motion had been circulated in the additional despatch of papers.
The Mayor reminded members of the interests already declared in relation to this item.
Councillor Hyde moved the motion. Councillor Smith seconded. Councillor Russell moved her amendment. Councillors Graham and Watts contributed to the debate.
The amendment was put to the vote and CARRIED.
The motion as amended was put to the vote and CARRIED.
(i) To support the pay claim submitted by Unite, GMB and UNISON on behalf of council and school workers for a £10 per hour minimum wage and a 10% uplift across all other pay points in 2020/21. (ii) To call on the Local Government Association to make urgent representations to central government to fund the National Joint Council (NJC) pay claim. (iii) To write to the Chancellor and Secretary of State to call for a pay increase for local government workers to be funded with new money from central government. (iv) To continue to encourage all local government workers to join a trade union.
Motion 4 – Opposition to Heathrow Expansion and the introduction of concentrated flight paths over Islington
The Mayor advised that a proposed amendment to the motion had been circulated in the additional despatch of papers.
Councillor Russell moved the motion. Councillor Webbe moved her amendment. Councillor Russell exercised her right of reply.
The amendment was put to the vote and CARRIED.
The motion as ... view the full minutes text for item 82. |