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Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD. View directions

Contact: Jonathan Moore  020 7527 3308


No. Item


Apologies for absence

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Received from Councillor Roulin Khondoker..


Declarations of Interest

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Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 255 KB

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That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2022 be confirmed as an accurate record of proceedings and the Chair be authorised to sign them.


Appointments to be made by the Executive pdf icon PDF 153 KB

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Reasons for decision – to appoint members to outside bodies

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none



That Councillor Comer-Schwartz be appointed to the Associated Joint Committee – London Councils’ Grants Committee and that Councillors O’Halloran, Khondoker, Turan and Woolf be appointed as deputies for the remainder of the municipal year, or until successors are appointed.


Reasons for decision – to enable the Council’s appointed representatives to participate in meetings of the London Councils’ Grants Committee.


Other options considered – none


Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none


2021/2022 provisional financial outturn pdf icon PDF 1009 KB

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Reasons for decision – to consider financial matters relating to the 2021/22 financial year

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




(a) That the breakdown of the forecast 2021/22 General Fund (GF) outturn by individual variance at Appendix 1 and by service area at Appendix 2 of the report of the Executive Member for Finance, Planning and Performance, be noted.

(b) That the overall 2021/22 GF net break-even position, after application of grants and contingencies, be noted.

(c) That the allocation of Contain Outbreak Management Fund funding totalling £2.403m across eligible COVID-19 related expenditure in line with the terms of the grant be noted.

(d) That new reserves, the outturn transfers to/from reserves, the movements between reserves and the provisional GF and HRA reserves balances be approved and the Section 151 Officer be authorised to agree any further movements to/from reserves related to finalising the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts.

(e) That the drawdowns from the corporate transformation fund in 2021/22 be approved.

(f) That the HRA in-year deficit of (+£18.541m), fully funded from a lower contribution to HRA reserves than planned in the original budget, be noted.

(g) That the 2021/22 capital outturn and financing of the 2021/22 capital programme and the movement in the 2021/22 capital budget since the last reported capital programme at Month 10 be noted.

(h) That the re-profiling of the 2021/22 capital outturn budget variances

(-£34.967m) into the 2022/23 capital programme, with the exception of variances that were underspends rather than re-profiling in nature, be approved and the Section 151 Officer be authorised to agree any further capital financing adjustments related to finalising the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts.



Reasons for decision – to enable members to monitor the budget.


Other options considered – none


Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none



Variance of the terms of leases at 41/47 Old Street and 69/85 Old Street, London EC1 pdf icon PDF 261 KB

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Reasons for decision – to generate long-term income from non-operational property assets to provide a much-needed revenue stream to the Council to support frontline services

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




That the Corporate Director for Community Wealth Building be authorised to enter into the Deeds of Variation in respect of the leases at 41/47 Old Street and 69/85 Old Street on the terms set out in exempt appendix 1 of the report of the Executive Member for Finance, Planning and Performance, and following consultation with the Corporate Director of Resources.



Reasons for decision – to generate long-term income from non-operational property assets to provide a much-needed revenue stream to the Council to support frontline services


Other options considered – none


Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none



Policy for Disabled Facilities Grant for Council tenants pdf icon PDF 253 KB

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Reasons for decision – to be more transparent to tenants about how DFGs are agreed and funded and to be consistent with the service available to housing association and private tenants and homeowners

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




That the policy for the delivery of Disabled Facilities Grants for Council tenants, appended to the report of the Executive Member for Homes and Communities, be approved.


Reasons for decision – to ensure that the Council’s approach to delivery of the Disabled Facilities Grants was well documented, transparent and met legislative requirements.


Other options considered – none


Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none



Executive Response to the Housing Scrutiny Committee - Reintegration Programme of PFI 2 Services Review pdf icon PDF 403 KB

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AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS and that the Housing Scrutiny Committee be thanked for their report


Reasons for decision – to respond to the Housing Scrutiny Committee

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




(a) That the responses to the recommendations made by the Housing Scrutiny Committee on their report “Reintegration Programme of PFI 2 Services Review”, and detailed in the report of the Executive Member for Homes and Communities, be approved.

(b) That the Housing Scrutiny Committee be thanked for their report.



Reasons for decision – to respond to the Housing Scrutiny Committee on progress and delivery in relation to the recommendations made by that Committee.


Other options considered – none


Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none



Executive Response to the Housing Scrutiny Committee - Communal Heating Review pdf icon PDF 477 KB

Additional documents:


AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS and that the Housing Scrutiny Committee be thanked for their report


Reasons for decision – to respond to the Housing Scrutiny Committee

Other options considered – none

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




(a) That the responses to the recommendations made by the Housing Scrutiny Committee on their report “Communal Heating Review”, and detailed in the report of the Executive Member for Homes and Communities, be approved.

(b) That officers report back on progress to the Housing Scrutiny Committee in twelve months’ time.

(c) That the Housing Scrutiny Committee be thanked for their report.



Reasons for decision – to respond to the Housing Scrutiny Committee on progress and delivery in relation to the recommendations made by that Committee.


Other options considered – none


Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none




EXEMPT APPENDIX - Variance of the terms of leases at 41/47 Old Street and 69/85 Old Street, London EC1



