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Agenda and decisions

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD. View directions

Contact: Mary Green 


No. Item


Apologies for absence

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Declarations of Interest

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Minutes of previous meeting pdf icon PDF 89 KB

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Appointments to be made by the Executive pdf icon PDF 72 KB

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1.1.           Executive agrees to appoint Councillor Una O’Halloran, Leader of the Council, as the Council’s representative to the Associated Joint Committee - London Councils’ Grants Committee

1.2.           Executive agrees to appoint Councillor Sheila Chapman as an additional deputy, for the municipal year 2024/2025, or until a successor is appointed.

1.3.           Executive agrees to appoint Councillor Flora Williamson to the Board of the North London Foundation Trust.




Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – as detailed in the report

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted none



Draft Budget Proposals 2025/26 and Medium Term Financial Strategy pdf icon PDF 559 KB

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The Executive is asked to agree the following recommendations:

1.1.        To agree the annual budget for the London Councils Grants Committee and proposed Islington contribution, following consideration by the London Councils Leaders’ Committee on 10 December 2024. (Paragraph 3.34) 

1.2.        To agree the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) rents and other HRA fees and charges for 2025/26 (Tables 17-19, and Appendix D2) 

The Executive is asked to note and endorse the following recommendations which will be referred to Full Council for approval:

The General Fund Medium-Term Financial Strategy (Section 3)

1.3.        To?agree and recommend to Full Council?the?latest assumed?Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)?and 2025/26 budget, including the underlying?MTFS principles, latest in-year monitoring position and the budget assumptions. (Paragraphs 3.5-3.12, Table 1,?and?Appendix A) 

1.4.        To?agree and recommend to Full Council the?proposed?2025/26 net budgets by directorate. (Paragraph?3.13,?Table?3,?and?Appendix A) 

1.5.        To agree and recommend to Full Council the 2025/26 savings and note that individual savings may be subject to individual consultation before they can be implemented. (Paragraph 3.39, Table 8, and Appendix B) 

1.6.        To note?the?Dedicated?Schools?Grant (DSG)?settlement for 2025/26 and related funding assumptions following the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement on the 18 December 2024 (‘the settlement’). (Paragraphs 3.49-3.77) 

1.7.        To note that the fees and charges policy and the General Fund (GF) fees and charges from 1 January 2025 are as agreed by Executive on 28 November 2024. (Paragraph 3.80) 

1.8.        To?agree and recommend to Full Council?that the Section 151?Officer is delegated responsibility for any technical adjustments required for the?2025/26?budget (in line with the?council’s Financial Regulations).  

1.9.        To agree and recommend to Full Council that centrally held demographic growth is allocated to service budgets in-year 2025/26, only once a more evidenced assessment is available and has been approved by the Section 151 Officer.

General Fund Contingency and Reserves (Section 4) 

1.10.     To?agree and recommend to Full Council?the proposed Minimum GF Balance and Earmarked reserves level at 25% of Core Spending Power, and to agree the?movements to/from earmarked reserves assumed as part of the 2025/26 revenue budget.?(Paragraphs 4.4-4.16, Table?11 and Appendix C) 

1.11.     To note the assessment of compliance against the CIPFA Financial Management (FM) Code and that this will be re-visited at least annually as part of the budget process, with any actions or recommendations implemented on an ongoing basis. (Paragraphs 4.17-4.19 and Appendix J)

1.12.     To note the Balance Sheet Analysis to support the MTFS. (Paragraphs 4.20-4.22 and Appendix F)

The HRA Budget and MTFS (Section 5) 

1.13.     To agree and recommend to Full Council, the balanced HRA 2025/26 and note the latest estimates over the 3-year MTFS period. (Table 14, and Appendix D1) 

1.14.     To agree and recommend to Full Council the 2025/26 savings and note that individual savings may be subject to individual consultation before they can be implemented. (Table 15, and Appendix D3) 

1.15.     To note that the  ...  view the full decision text for item 5.


Procurement strategy for CCTV provision pdf icon PDF 170 KB

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1.1.                To approve the procurement strategy for the CCTV Maintenance services framework agreement as outlined in this report.


1.2.                To delegate authority to award a four-year framework contract from 31 March 2026 to the Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods, following consultation with the Executive Member for Community Safety.


1.3.                To delegate authority to award a 12-month call off contract from the existing framework agreement from 31 March 2025 to the Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods, following consultation with the Executive Member for Community Safety.



Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – as detailed in the report

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted none



Procurement strategy for Harvist Estate retrofit works pdf icon PDF 192 KB

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1.2.                To approve this strategy to procure a contractor to undertake the planned retrofit programme for the Harvist Estate as outlined in this report.


1.3.                To delegate authority for the award of contract to the Corporate Director of Homes and Neighbourhoods, following consultation with the Executive Member for Homes and Neighbourhoods.





2.     That officers in Homes and Neighbourhoods be thanked for their work on this project.

Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – as detailed in the report

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted none




Strategic Asset Management Plan pdf icon PDF 102 KB

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1.1.                Note the importance of the Council’s first comprehensive and strategic approach to the use of our assets to support delivery of the Council’s corporate missions.

1.2.                Approve the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) attached at Appendix 1.

1.3.                Note the governance arrangements set out in Chapter 4 of the SAMP which will consolidate a range of enhancements and ensure clear alignment with the Council’s Constitution.

1.4.                Note the proposals for ongoing review of the SAMP, with updates to Executive from time to time.




2. That thanks be expressed to officers in CWB for their work in producing the SAMP



Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – as detailed in the report

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted none



Response to Cost of Living Crisis Scrutiny Review pdf icon PDF 162 KB

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1.1.                To agree the Executive responses to recommendations of the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee as set out in Section 4 below.

1.2.                To note that a refreshed strategy for tackling longer term poverty is being developed and will be presented to the Executive in 2025.






Reasons for the decision – as detailed in the report

Other options considered – as detailed in the report

Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted none