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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The link to the Zoom meeting is below. If you prefer to join the meeting by phone please dial 0131 460 1196. The meeting ID is 913 7634 1866

Contact: Philippa Green Tel: 020 7527 3184 

Link: Join the meeting via this link

No. Item


Apologies for absence




Declarations of Interest


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 84 KB






That the minutes of the meeting on 30th April 2020 be agreed as a correct record and the Chair be authorised to sign them.



Provisional Outturn 2019-2020 pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Additional documents:



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.

Link to the report.





(i)                         That the breakdown of the forecast General Fund outturn by individual variance at Appendix 1 of the report and by service area at Appendix 2 of the report be noted.


(ii)                        That the forecast General Fund underspend of (-£8.405m) compared to a forecast underspend of (-£5.691m) in the previous reported position (Section 3 and Table 1 of the report) be noted.


(iii)                      That it be noted that the Council is facing total COVID-19 related budget pressures of around £74m and, after Government grants received to date, a net gap of around £58m (including Collection Fund and HRA pressures) (Paragraph 3.2 of the report).


(iv)                      That, in addition to the above, there is an estimated net budget gap of around £13m in 2021/22 and £58m over the 3-year financial planning cycle to 2023/24 and that the medium-term financial outlook is the most uncertain it has ever been (Paragraph 3.2 of the report) be noted. 


(v)                       That the outturn transfers to reserves, the re-purposing of existing reserves and the provisional General Fund and HRA reserves balances be agreed, and authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer to agree any further movements to/from reserves related to finalising the 2019/20 Statement of Accounts. (Paragraphs 4.17-4.19, Table 2 and Appendix 3 of the report).


(vi)                      That the HRA outturn surplus of (-£0.325m) and net break-even position after transfer to HRA reserves (Section 5 and Appendix 2 of the report) be noted.


(vii)                    That the provisional 2019/20 capital outturn be noted, and the provisional financing of the 2019/20 capital programme, including the allocation of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding, be agreed, and authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer to agree any further capital financing adjustments related to finalising the 2019/20 Statement of Accounts. (Section 6, Tables 4-5 and Appendix 4 of the report).




Reason for decision – to review the provisional financial outturn for 2019/20 and to consider associated matters in order to improve the financial resilience

of the Council.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.



Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Mini Scrutiny Review - Recommendations of the Housing Scrutiny Committee pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.

Link to the report




(i)          That the report of the Housing Scrutiny Committee be received.


(ii)         That the Executive Member’s response be reported to a future meeting of the Executive, including having due regard to any relevant implications of the Housing Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations.


Reason for decision – to consider the report of the Housing Scrutiny Committee.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.



People Friendly Streets pdf icon PDF 171 KB

Additional documents:



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.

Link to the report





(i)                         That the introduction of a programme of People Friendly Streets as outlined in this report, including: a) Low Traffic Neighbourhoods; b) the acceleration of the School Streets Programme; and c) the introduction of a borough wide Lorry Control Scheme in residential areas, be approved.


(ii)                        That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Transport, to finalise and implement the People Friendly Streets schemes, taking into account the consultation responses and monitoring.



Reason for decision – to enable social distancing to take place as activity returns to Islington’s streets, shops, markets, businesses and schools. The measures will also encourage local people to walk and cycle in their neighbourhoods, and to and from school. The environmental impacts of traffic will be reduced particularly in local residential neighbourhoods and in and around schools. This will result in a safer, cleaner and healthier environment for local people particularly older people, children, younger people, people with impaired mobility and other vulnerable groups. The proposals are supportive of the council’s net zero carbon and Fairer Islington priorities.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.



Volunteers and Resident engagement with Parks and Open Spaces Scrutiny - Executive Member's response pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Additional documents:



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.

Link to the report





That the responses to the recommendations of the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee’s report on Resident and Volunteer Engagement in Parks and Open Spaces in Islington, as set out in section 4 of the report, be agreed.


Reason for decision – to respond to the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee’s report.

Other options considered - none.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.



Tileyard Creative Quarter Neighbourhood Area/Forum designation pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Additional documents:



Reason for decision – as specified in the report.

Other options considered – as specified in the report.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.

Link to the report





(i)               That summary of responses to the consultation on the applications for the TRVRCQ Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum (paragraphs 3.45 – 3.51) be considered.


(ii)              That the proposed TRVRCQ Neighbourhood Forum, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be refused, and to decline to determine the proposed TRVRCQ Neighbourhood Area as shown in Appendix 2 (for details see paragraphs 3.9 and 5.5 below).


Reason for decision – It is considered that the proposed TRVRCQ Neighbourhood Forum will not act as a representative voice for businesses within the proposed area.

Other options considered – the option of reducing the Neighbourhood Area to represent an area where forum membership is concentrated had been considered, as specified in the report.

Conflicts of interest/dispensations granted – none.



Community Chest Round 2 (for information) pdf icon PDF 195 KB







That the funding decisions made by Islington Council’s Community Chest Panel in relation to the second round of ICCC grant funding for 2019/20, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.



Community Chest Round 3 (for information) pdf icon PDF 195 KB






That the funding decisions made by Islington Council’s Community Chest Panel in relation to the third round of ICCC grant funding for 2019/20, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.


Monitoring report pdf icon PDF 138 KB







To note the decision detailed in paragraph 3.2 of the report.