Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 2UD. View directions
Contact: Jonathan Moore 020 7527 3308
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ngongo. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Ngongo and Cllr Shaikh. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: None. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting Additional documents: Decision: None. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 January 2022 be agreed as a correct record and the Chair be authorised to sign them. |
Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to agree draft proposals in respect of the council’s 2022/23 budget and level of council tax and the latest assumed medium term financial position. Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none Minutes: RESOLVED:
The General Fund Budget 2022/23 and MTFS (Section 3 of the report) 1.1. That the latest MTFS and balanced 2022/23 budget, including the underlying principles and assumptions, be agreed and recommended to Full Council. (Paragraphs 3.1-3.38, Table 1 and Appendix A of the report) 1.2. That the proposed 2022/23 net budgets by directorate be agreed and recommended to Full Council. (Paragraph 3.3, Table 2 and Appendix A of the report) 1.3. It be noted that the annual budget for the London Councils Grant Committee was reported to the Voluntary and Community Sector Committee on 25 January 2022 for information. (Paragraph 3.22-3.23 of the report) 1.4. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources to revise external funding estimates prior to the final version of this report for Full Council on 3 March 2022, should this be necessary. (Paragraphs 3.20 and 3.25 of the report) 1.5. That the 2022/23 savings be agreed and recommended to Full Council, and it be noted that individual savings may be subject to individual consultation before they can be implemented. (Paragraphs 3.39-3.43, Table 5, and Appendix B of the report) 1.6. That the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) settlement for 2022/23 and related funding assumptions be noted. (Paragraphs 3.44-3.51 of the report) 1.7. That the fees and charges policy and the General Fund fees and charges for 2022/23 be agreed. (Paragraphs 3.52-3.59 and Appendix C of the report) 1.8. That the policy on General Fund contingency and reserves be agreed and recommended to Full Council, and the movements to/from earmarked reserves assumed as part of the 2022/23 revenue budget be agreed. (Paragraphs 3.60-3.69, Table 6 and Table 7 of the report) 1.9. That the Section 151 Officer is delegated responsibility for any technical adjustments required for the 2022/23 budget (in line with the council’s Financial Regulations) be agreed and recommended to Full Council. 1.10. That centrally held gross demographic growth be allocated to service budgets only when the need materialises and as approved by the Section 151 Officer be agreed and recommended to Full Council. (Paragraph 3.14 of the report) The HRA Budget and MTFS (Section 4 of the report) 1.11. That the balanced HRA 2022/23 budget be agreed and recommended to Full Council, and the latest estimates over the three-year MTFS period be noted. (Paragraphs 4.1-4.3, Table 8 and Appendix D1 of the report) 1.12. That the HRA rents be noted, and, following minor revisions to the version agreed by the Executive on 13 January 2022, the other HRA fees and charges for 2022/23 be agreed. (Paragraphs 4.4-4.29, Tables 9-11 and Appendix D2 of the report) 1.13. That the introduction of a points-based apportionment method from April 2022 to revise the way in which Housing Leaseholder Service Charges are calculated be agreed. (Paragraph 4.9, and Appendix D3 of the report) 1.14. It be noted that the HRA 30-year ... view the full minutes text for item 870. |
Budget Proposals 2022/23 - Comments from the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee Additional documents: Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to note the comments of the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the comments of the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee be noted.
Reasons for decision – to note the comments of the Policy and Performance Scrutiny Committee Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to ensure the financial resilience of the council Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none Minutes: RESOLVED:
a) That the forecast 2021/22 General Fund budget variance be noted. (Section 3, Table 1 and Appendices 1-2 of the report)
b) That the forecast in-year budget variance on the Housing Revenue Account be noted. (Section 4 of the report)
c) That the latest estimated calls on the corporate transformation fund in 2021/22 be noted and reviewed. (Section 3.55, Table 2 and Appendix 3 of the report)
d) That the 2021/22 capital expenditure forecast of £122.664m, following the inclusion of a central adjustment, be noted, and it be noted that there is a significant risk of further slippage over the remainder of the financial year. (Section 5, Table 3 and Appendix 4)
Reasons for decision – to ensure the financial resilience of the council Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none |
Procurement Strategy and Contract Award for Property and Casualty Insurance Additional documents: Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to ensure there council has appropriate insurance cover. Other options considered – as detailed in the report, alternative frameworks were considered Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the strategy and award of ILC Property (plus terrorism) and Casualty Insurance policies be agreed, as outlined in the report and associated exempt appendix.
Reasons for decision – to ensure there council has appropriate insurance cover. Other options considered – as detailed in the report, alternative frameworks were considered Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Additional documents: Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to ensure there are adequate control measures to minimise the risk of legionella and to ensure the safety of residents and visitors Other options considered – as detailed in the report, other options included insourcing, collaboration with neighbouring boroughs, using an existing contractor, and using an external procurement framework. Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
a) That the procurement strategy be approved as outlined in the report.
b) That authority to award the contract be delegated to the Corporate Director of Homes & Neighbourhoods following consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Development.
Reasons for decision – to ensure there are adequate control measures to minimise the risk of legionella and to ensure the safety of residents and visitors Other options considered – as detailed in the report, other options included insourcing, collaboration with neighbouring boroughs, using an existing contractor, and using an external procurement framework. Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Violence Reduction Strategy Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to provide a clear strategic vision and priorities in relation to reducing the long-term scale and impact of violence in the borough Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That proposed strategy for Violence Reduction (2022-2027) be approved as outlined in the report and associated appendix.
Reasons for decision – to provide a clear strategic vision and priorities in relation to reducing the long-term scale and impact of violence in the borough Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Community school admission arrangements 2023/24 Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to provide fair access to educational opportunities and to comply with the mandatory provisions of the School Admissions Code Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
a) That the co-ordinated schemes and timetables for admission to Islington primary, secondary schools and academies in 2023-24, and in-year admission protocols for 2023-24 as set out in Appendices 1, 4, 7 to the report, be agreed.
b) That the policy and oversubscription criteria for admission to community primary and secondary schools and Highbury Fields Sixth Form for 2023-24 as set out in Appendices 2, 5, 8 and 9 to the report, be agreed.
c) That the proposed admission numbers for Islington community primary and secondary schools and for external applicants to Highbury Fields Sixth Form for 2023-24 as set out in Appendices 3, 6 and 10 to the report, be agreed.
Reasons for decision – to provide fair access to educational opportunities and to comply with the mandatory provisions of the School Admissions Code Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Leisure Contract Recovery Additional documents: Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to financially plan for the recovery and maximise the remaining life of the Leisure Contract through to March 2029 Other options considered – as detailed in the report Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
a) That the strong performance of GLL to date in terms of contract recovery, as described in Section 4 of the report and detailed in Exempt Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.
b) That Corporate Director for Environment, following consultation with the Executive Member for Health and Social Care, be authorised to conclude negotiations with GLL on the basis of their proposal to return to contract position by 1st July 2022, and to defer a further portion of the rent for the first quarter to allow recovery to pre-Covid levels, as set out in Exempt Appendix 1 to the report.
c) That the key headlines of the commissioned independent Contract Recovery Report be noted, and in particular the analysis of options for future delivery and the recommendation to continue with the current provider. An executive summary of this report is set out in Exempt Appendix 2 of the report.
d) That the potential financial risks and impact on the service from the ongoing impact of Covid and in particular the Omicron variant along with recent utility price volatility that will have implications on the long term performance of the contract, be noted.
Reasons for decision – to financially plan for the recovery and maximise the remaining life of the Leisure Contract through to March 2029 Other options considered – as detailed in the report Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Additional documents: Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to respond to the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
a) That the Executive responses to the eight recommendations of the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee be agreed as set out in section 4 of the report.
b) That officers report back to the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee within six months following the completion of the pilot programme be agreed.
Reasons for decision – to respond to the Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Approval for Islington to withdraw from the LHC Joint Committee Additional documents: Decision: AGREED RECOMMENDATIONS Reasons for decision – to disband the LHC Joint Committee in favour of creating a new form of corporate entity for LHC, which will involve one Local Authority to act as lead authority. Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Minutes: RESOLVED:
a) That the withdrawal of the Council from the LHC be approved.
b) That the Head of Democratic Services and Governance be authorised to notify the LHC of the Executive’s decision by Friday 25 February 2022.
Reasons for decision – to disband the LHC Joint Committee in favour of creating a new form of corporate entity for LHC, which will involve one Local Authority to act as lead authority. Other options considered - none Conflicts of interest / dispensations granted – none
Procurement Strategy and Contract Award for Property and Casualty Insurance - Exempt Appendix Decision: Noted. Minutes: Noted. |
Leisure Contract Recovery - Exempt Appendices Decision: Noted. Minutes: Noted. |