Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall
Contact: Ola Adeoye
No. | Item |
Introductions Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Klute welcomed everyone to the meeting. Members of the Committee and officers introduced themselves.
Chair informed the meeting that 2 newly elected members of the committee in attendance would not be participating in the consideration of any of the deferred items on the agenda but will be at meeting as observers. The Chair reminded the meeting that with regard to all the deferred items, Committee will not be revisiting the entire application but strictly focus on the reasons for deferral.
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Substitute Members Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of substitute members. |
Declarations of Interest If you have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest* in an item of business: § if it is not yet on the council’s register, you must declare both the existence and details of it at the start of the meeting or when it becomes apparent; § you may choose to declare a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest that is already in the register in the interests of openness and transparency. In both the above cases, you must leave the room without participating in discussion of the item.
If you have a personal interest in an item of business and you intend to speak or vote on the item you must declare both the existence and details of it at the start of the meeting or when it becomes apparent but you may participate in the discussion and vote on the item.
*(a) Employment, etc - Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain. (b) Sponsorship - Any payment or other financial benefit in respect of your expenses in carrying out duties as a member, or of your election; including from a trade union. (c) Contracts - Any current contract for goods, services or works, between you or your partner (or a body in which one of you has a beneficial interest) and the council. (d) Land - Any beneficial interest in land which is within the council’s area. (e) Licences- Any licence to occupy land in the council’s area for a month or longer. (f) Corporate tenancies - Any tenancy between the council and a body in which you or your partner have a beneficial interest. (g) Securities - Any beneficial interest in securities of a body which has a place of business or land in the council’s area, if the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body or of any one class of its issued share capital.
This applies to all members present at the meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor North declared a personal interest with regards to item B1, B2 and B3. |
Order of Business Additional documents: Minutes: The order of business would be as per the agenda. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 294 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2022 be confirmed as an accurate record of proceedings and the Chair be authorised to sign them. |
Membership, Terms of Reference and Dates of Meetings - To Follow PDF 192 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
a) That the Sub-Committees be confirmed as five member Sub-Committees and that the terms of reference be noted.
b) That the allocation of seats was determined in accordance with the advice in the report.
c) That Councillors North, Clarke, Convery, Jackson and Hamdache be appointed as members of Planning Sub-Committee A for the current municipal year or until their successors are appointed.
d) That Councillors Poyser, Ibrahim, McHugh, Hayes and Klute be appointed as members of Planning Sub-Committee B for the current municipal year or until their successors are appointed.
e) That it be noted that Councillor North had been appointed Chair of Planning Sub-Committee A and Councillor Poyser had been appointed Chair of Planning Sub-Committee B for the municipal year or until their successors are appointed.
f) That it be noted that any member who was a member or substitute member of the Planning Committee could substitute at any meetings of either Sub-Committee if they had not been appointed as a member of the Sub-Committee.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Refurbishment of existing building; 5 storey partial infill extension to eastern elevation, single storey extension to northern elevation and two storey roof extension with roof terrace to provide additional Office floorspace (Class E(g)(i)); reconfiguration and alterations of front and rear entrances to the western and eastern elevations; provision of one flexible Retail (Class E(a)), Café Restaurant (Class E(b)), Fitness (Class E(d)) and Office (Class E (g)(i) unit at ground floor level; provision of cycle store and associated facilities at basement level and plant at basement and roof level with green roofs and other associated works. Listed Building Consent application: P2021/2360/LBC also submitted. (Planning application number: P2021/2270/FUL) Councillors Klute, Jackson, Ibrahim, Clarke, Convery, Poyser and North were involved in the consideration of this item. Councillors Hayes and Hamadache did not take part in its consideration.
Item was taken in conjunction with item B2 which is seeking listed building consent.
In the discussion the following points were made: · The Planning Officer advised Committee that since the report was published 2 further representations were received by Council requesting an additional condition and questioning the Design and Access Statement and illustrations that had been submitted with the application. With regards to the additional condition, members were advised that were planning permission to be granted the plan will be formalised so as protect the amenity of neighbouring residential occupiers. · Item was deferred from the committee meeting of 22 February to address concerns that the building is a floor too high, noting that its removal would give it a better proportion and secondly that a reduction in both its massing and height would result in the improvement of its daylight and sunlight impact. · In addition the Planning Officer reminded the meeting that committee requested applicants to consider improving the affordable workspace offer and more importantly to increase the 10 years lease and for the activation on York way frontage to be increased. · The Planning Officer advised that the revised proposal had resulted in the building massing being reduced, that the floors have now been set back and that the floor uplift has been reduced by 153sqm, which has resulted in a significant improvement in daylight and sunlight impacts. · Members were advised that following amendments to both applications, the affordable workspace will now be provided separately for each application and to be located on-site within each application scheme, noting that should both schemes be approved, cumulatively, the total floorspace to be provided separately across each application amounts to 448.7sqm which when taken together would result in an uplift of (15%) in the total provision of affordable workspace from the previous scheme of 388sqm. · Meeting was informed that in response to residents request there is a proposal to remove the proposed flattening of the cobbles east -west in Albion Yard. · With regard to reductions in impacts to daylight, the Planning Officer advised that the reduction in mass to the fourth storey has led to betterments with the reductions to daylight and sunlight to neighbouring properties. · In comparison to ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Listed Building Consent application in connection with external works to parts of Jahn Court at 34 York Way, which adjoin the exterior of the Listed Building at 34B York Way, comprising of the removal of paving and railings and structures/fixtures for the glazed front entrance and skylight to Jahn Court; and the re-provision of a new front entrance structure adjoining the listed building, and replacement paving and associated works, adjoining the listed building, and replacement of entrance door with glazed door. Associated planning application ref: P2021/2270/FUL.
(Planning application number: P2021/2360/LBC)
In the discussion the following points were made: · Item was considered with item B1 which is a linked application for a full planning permission (see details above).
Councillor North proposed a motion to grant Listed Building Consent. This was seconded by Councillor Jackson and carried.
RESOLVED: That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, listed building consent be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Refurbishment of existing buildings; partial demolition and infill extensions to the southern, northern courtyard and western elevations at ground, first, second, third and fourth floor level and one storey roof extensions to provide additional Class E(g)(i) Office floorspace at Times House; removal of plant room and entrance, alteration to the elevations and enlargement of existing windows to Laundry Building; further works include the provision of three flexible Food and Drink (Class E (b)) and/or Bar/Drinking Establishment (Sui Generis) units, and four Retail (Class E (a)) units at ground floor level; provision of outdoor terraces at first, fourth and fifth floor levels, basement cycle storage and associated facilities, green roofs, plant at basement and roof level; public realm works to Laundry Yard and infrastructure and related works, and new cycle parking on Caledonia Street. (Planning application number: P2021/2269/FUL) In the discussion the following points were made:
· The Planning Officer reminded the meeting that item was deferred from the meeting of 22 February 2022 that Members expressed similar concerns raised with the Jahn court application. · Item was deferred in order for the applicant to review the massing of the building in order for betterments to the daylight and sunlight transgressions, to reduce perceived harm to neighbouring amenity and to reduce the heritage impacts. · Meeting was advised that since report was published officers had received one further representations however officers were of the view that issues were not of material considerations and had already been covered in the report. · The Planning Officer advised that if planning permission is granted by Committee, an Estate Management Plan to protect the amenity of neighbouring residential amenity is to be included, highlighting in particular the management arrangement for the ground floor commercial uses within Times House and Laundry Buildings · Meeting was advised that the building massing has now been reduced by setting back the floors and floor uplift reduced by 164sqm. In addition members were advised that in light of the reductions and revisions to the scheme it is noticeable that there are few transgressions with regards to daylight and sunlight impacts. The revised scheme has also secured an improved affordable workspace with an extended lease from 10years to 20 years, an uplift of space by 15% on this site. · With regards to residents objections to loss of informal cycle storage, the meeting was advised that scheme now provides 10 dedicated cycle spaces within the basement of Times House for the residents of Regents Quarter to be secured by condition. · The Planning Officer advised that in light of the above revisions, officers have re assessed the planning balance of the scheme and have concluded that the adverse impacts of the development is now reduced, that the scheme will cause less than substantial harm to heritage assets, that a reduction in height will reduce neighbouring amenity impacts and is now closer to BRE compliance in terms of its impact on daylight received by windows and rooms. The Planning Officer reiterated some of the benefits of the ... view the full minutes text for item 21. |
Hostel and Premises, 38-44 Islington Park Street, London N1 1PX PDF 4 MB Additional documents:
Minutes: Change of use of existing HMO (House of Multiple Occupation) to allow for the creation of 7 no. self-contained residential units (3 no. 1-bed flats, 1 no. 2 bed flats, 2 no. 3 bed houses and 1 no. 5 bed house). Excavation at lower ground floor level to increase the floor to ceiling heights and enlarge existing rear lightwells. Alterations to front and rear elevations including installation of metal railings, new access gates and proposed landscaping, refuse and cycle parking provision, and other associated works.
(Planning application number: P2019/2651/FUL)
Cllr Klute, Poyser, Convery, and Clarke were involved in the consideration of this item on the basis they were members of the committee that originally considered the application.
In the discussion the following points were made: · The Planning officer informed the meeting that since the publication of the agenda, additional representations had been received however no new issues were raised except in relation to reinstating the highway conditions in the Head of Terms. · Meeting was advised that between the granting of Planning permission and issuing of the decision notice, additional representations had been received raising a number of concerns with the proposal, including the request for a revised Site Location Plan and the proposed ground floor plan showing alterations to the position of the proposed refuse and cycle storage, which has been submitted and further consultation carried. · The Planning Officer advised that 6 objections were received from neighbours, representations which are noted in paragraph 6.5 of the report and that in response applicant has made changes notably that No 38 Islington Park Street is now included within the boundary and changes to the ground floor plan relates to the location of the refuse storage and cycle storage to the 3 houses on the left hand side of the site and the flats within No 44. · Another area of concern is in relation to the access through the site via Islington Park Street to the rear, with neighbouring residents describing it as a right of way. In response the Legal Officer advised that the access route at the rear is not a public right of way and therefore no highway implications for the committee to consider. · Meeting was advised of the relocation of the refuse storage for the 3 houses to the front and the refuse storage of the flats to be retained to the rear but set back from the rear gardens. The cycle storage has been submitted as part of the application and has been conditioned. · Another resident living next to the application site raised concerns about the location of the bin storage at No 38 and its impact on listed railings. · Another neighbouring resident requested committee refuse granting permission on grounds of plans to pave over large parts of the green space of the property to the rear of the family which is out of character to other properties in the area. · Objector was concerned that despite assurances regarding the siting of the bins and bicycle storage units to ... view the full minutes text for item 22. |
30 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3 PS PDF 292 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Demolition of existing building and construction of a four-storey building (with basement levels) comprising Office use (Class E) with associated works
(Planning application number: P2021/1692/FUL)
Only Councillors Klute, Poyser, Jackson, North and Convery were involved in the consideration of this item on the basis they were members of the committee that originally considered the application.
In the discussion the following points were made: · Meeting was advised that since publication of report, no additional representations had been received noting that the number of objectors still remain as 35. · The Planning Officer advised that since the committee meeting of 4 April the applicant has further revised the scheme, noting that although the floor plan for the first floor still remain as previously proposed, the roof along the boundary has been amended from a flat roof to a pitched roof which adjoins the neighbouring external amenity spaces at first floor level to Pietra Lara. The height of the resulting rear wall will now match that of the existing wall boundary with the amenity areas whilst the pitched roof will reduce the massing above. · Members were advised that the pitched roof will therefore reduce the scale of the proposed building and reduce the feeling of a sense of enclosure and that the step back approach addresses the concern of residents in terms of impact on resident amenity. · Members were reminded that although the proposal includes dedicated SME floor space with the provision of 4 units at basement level measuring a total of 281sqm, equating 15.8% of the overall GIA, it still remains as previously proposed. However, due to the decrease of overall office space above and given further setbacks the proportion of the SME floor space has now increased to 16.5% GIA. · With regard to daylight assessment, the Planning Officer noted that the quantum of reductions beyond BRE guidance has now significantly reduced particularly the Pietra Lara building, that although the previous scheme had 3 windows with transgressions beyond BRE guidance in VSC, all windows now meet BRE guidance, whilst for NSL, the number of transgressions has been reduced from 6 to 5 with betterments to the rooms. · It was noted that with regards to Pietra Lara there are now no BRE transgressions to both VSC and NSL, that the transgression is either VSC or NSL and not both. · In the case of 26, 27and 29 Bastwick Street, the Planning Officer acknowledged that the reductions have resulted in minor improvements, with regards to 37 Bastwick Street, there is one slight improvement to the 3rd floor window, however in the case of 41 Central Street there have been no betterments so remains as previously proposed. · The Planning Officer acknowledged that in regard to sunlight, transgressions have been reduced and there has been a slight betterment in regard to overshadowing of the garden of 45 Central Street although it does not meet BRE guidance. · The Planning Officer noted that following suggestions at previous meetings, Officers have amended conditions 11 and 12 respectively to address the times ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |