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Agenda item

Application for renewal of special treatment licence - Golden Health, 128 Junction Road, London N19 5LB


Following introductions, the applicant’s representative provided copies of a written statement from Ms YongMei Wang to members of the Committee. He stated that Ms Wang had found out on the previous Friday, 3 November 2017, following a visit by a Licensing Officer to the premises,  of the Committee meeting taking place today to consider her application for renewal of a special treatment premises licence.  At the visit on 3 November 2017, the Licensing Officer had provided Ms Wang with a copy of a Police report dated 19 September 2017, relating to a visit by the Police to the premises two months previously.


The Licensing Officer introduced the report of the Service Director for Public Protection, which attached the application from Ms Wang, seeking approval to a renewal of a special treatment premises licence.  During questions from members of the Committee, the officer stated that a visit took place in February 2017 and the premises were closed. A further visit took place in March 2017 and, on that occasion, no licenseable activities were seen to be taking place. However, officers raised concerns about records being kept.


The Police Officer present stated that the Police had visited the premises on 29 March 2017 (- a copy of their note of that visit was circulated to members of the Committee) and again on 22 July 2017 (- a copy of their note of that visit had been circulated with the agenda).However, it transpired that neither the Police nor Council Licensing Officers had re-visited the premises since the inspection on  22 July 2017.


Ms Wang’s representative stated that the premises closed at 9.00pm each evening, that Ms Wang acknowledged that she needed to be meticulous with record keeping, particularly with regard to her employees and with staff supervision. Ms Wang would welcome an opportunity to co-operate with the Council, Police and Immigration Services.


The Police Licensing Officer referred to an item of anonymous information referred to the Police on 18 March 2017 concerning the premises, Golden Health at 128 Junction Road, N19.  A copy of this information was supplied to members of the Committee.


The Committee adjourned for 15 minutes to allow Committee members, the applicant and her representative, an opportunity to consider this new information.


When the meeting reconvened, members of the Committee expressed concern that the information in the report supplied to them for this meeting was incomplete. They would defer any further consideration and decision of the matter to the Committee meeting to be held on 13 December 2017.  Members expressed a wish to see a complete report, with full evidence from the Police and Licensing Teams, at that meeting.



That consideration of the application for a renewal of a special treatment premises licence for the premises known as Golden Health, 128 Junction Road, London N19, be deferred to the meeting of the Committee to be held on 13 December 2017, pending receipt of complete information from the Police and Licensing Teams, which is to be contained in a fresh report for the Committee’s consideration.






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