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Agenda item

89 Crouch Hill London, N8 9EG


Change of use of a hotel (Use Class C1) with accommodation for 12 Change of use of a hotel (Use Class C1) with accommodation for 12 bedrooms into 5 no. self-contained residential units (Use Class C3); with associated external works consisting of erection of a replacement larger two storey rear extension and a replacement larger two-storey side extension in place of an existing single storey side conservatory; creation of a new window opening to the existing front dormer; erection of a  new rear dormer and replacement dormer and insertion of 1 no. new replacement rooflight to rear roof slope; creation of a refuse and cycle store within the existing garage, creation of terraces at ground, first and roof level with associated metal railings (balustrades); landscaping works; basement excavation and creation of front and rear lightwells.

(Planning application number: P2018/3775/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:

·         The Planning Officer advised that no updates had been received since agenda was published, reminding members that if members are minded to grant permission, condition 6 which relates to screening to roof terraces and 9 which relates to construction monitoring would need to be amended to ensure it is very specific and robust.

·         The Planning Officer informed the meeting that the proposal to change the hotel use to self–contained residential use is considered acceptable in land use terms. Members were reminded that there is no policy protection of a hotel especially if the application site is located in an area with a high level of residential accommodation .

·         Members were reminded that the proposal is in line with Paragraph 49 of the NPPF which states that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development unless there are strong economic reasons why such development would be inappropriate. The scheme would be delivering 5 residential units which would contribute towards the borough housing targets.

·         In response to the question about the affordable housing contribution of £83, 411 being offered by the applicant, members were advised that a financial viability assessment had been provided with the application which has been independently verified by the Council’s Viability Officer. Members were informed by the Planning Officer that factors such as high build cost due to the extensive basement works, the land value in this area of the borough and the sales value all contribute to the reduced affordable contribution.

·         On the question about monitoring the carbon emission commitment as stipulated in condition 10, the meeting was advised that this is a compliance issue which will be the responsibility of the Council’s Energy Team and not a planning issue.

·         Members agreed that conditions 6 and 9 be reworded to be specific in terms of the screening of the roof terrace and the structural engineers’ report respectively. Members agreed that the wording of the two conditions be delegated to the Planning Officer and the Chair.


That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and the amended condition noted above and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.


CONDITION:  The opaque glazed side elevation visual screen(s) to rear first floor roof terraces shown on the approved drawings numbered 1641-P02-02 Rev P4 & 1642-P03-01 Rev P3 approved shall be installed prior to the first occupation of the development and shall be maintained as such thereafter into perpetuity.

REASON:  To prevent undue overlooking (oblique, backwards or otherwise) of neighbouring habitable room windows.


Revised and reworded Condition 9:

CONDITION: The Structural Engineers Report (Ref: AMA_REP_01 Rev. 01) dated June 2018 as set out will be overseen by the relevant and suitably qualified persons, shall be retained (or a replacement person holding equivalent qualifications shall be appointed and retained) for the duration of the development to monitor the safety of the construction stages and to ensure that the long term structural stability of the existing buildings and other nearby buildings are safeguarded, in line with the supporting Structural Method Statement.


At no time shall any construction work take place unless a qualified engineer is appointed and retained in accordance with this condition.


REASON: To ensure that the construction work carried out is in accordance to the submitted Structural Method Statement for the duration of the construction and maintain compliance with the Islington Basement Development SPD (2016).


officer report.

Supporting documents: