Agenda item
Canaletto Tower, Block A and Block B, 257 City Road, London EC1V 1AD
Change of use of mezzanine level podium commercial unit (Block A) from flexible commercial use (A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1) to crèche (D1) and associated external buggy storage area; change of use of upper ground floor level commercial unit (Block B) from flexible commercial use (A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1) to crèche (D1) and creation of external covered play area at podium level, and associated works.
(Planning application number: P2019/1442/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
· The Planning Officer corrected paragraph 4.3 of the report to clarify that seven objections had been received in relation to the application.
· The Planning Officer corrected Condition 6 to insert the names Charlotte Rosier and Fabienne O’Neill as the Directors of Cuckooz Nest Ltd.
· The Planning Officer provided an overview of the application and summarised objections received. Objections included the loss of office and retail space, the impact on residential amenity, air quality concerns, and matters related to the design and use of materials, such as the use of timber and the proposed location of the buggy store. The Planning Officer explained how these objections could be mitigated, including through the use of conditions.
· The Planning Officer advised that the property had been vacant since construction and therefore the change of use could be considered appropriate.
· The design of the buggy store was similar to the cycle store and was therefore considered acceptable by the Planning Officer.
· An air quality assessment had been provided by the applicant. This had been reviewed by the local authority and officers considered that air quality concerns could be successfully mitigated.
· The Sub-Committee queried the distance between the first floor balcony and the outdoor play area. In response, it was advised that the balcony did slightly overhang the play area and the Metropolitan Police had offered safety advice to the applicant.
· The Sub-Committee queried the impact on the residential amenity of nearby properties, particularly in relation to noise. In response, it was advised that the hours of operation of the outdoor space would be restricted to between 09.00 to 17.00 Monday to Friday. The property was currently designated as A3 use which would allow a restaurant to operate until 23.30 and, although the property was currently vacant, it was considered that the proposed use would generate substantially less noise than if a restaurant was operating in accordance with the existing permission.
· The applicant advised that they were content with the proposed conditions and wanted to be a good neighbour to local residents.
· The Chair indicated that she was interested in the applicant’s proposals regarding affordable provision for families in nearby social housing, and in response it was suggested that this information could be provided outside of the meeting.
The Chair proposed that the application be granted as per the recommendations in the officer’s report, incorporating the corrected Condition 6 as set out by Planning Officer. This was seconded by Councillor Woolf and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Sub-Committee, and submitted representations and objections provided, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out at Appendix 1 of the officer report and the corrected Condition 6 set out above.
Supporting documents:
- Canaletto Tower, item 7. PDF 8 MB
- MAP P2019-1442-FUL- Canaletto Tower Blocks A B 257 City Road EC1V 1AD, item 7. PDF 113 KB