Agenda item
8 Oakley Crescent Islington, London
Erection of a roof top extension and new roof terrace to the existing flat roof including associated obscure glazed screening to the rear and metal railings to the front elevation. External redecoration and replacement windows to the front elevation at ground and first floor with double glazed units.
(Planning application number: P2019/1292/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
The Planning Officer informed the meeting that page
5 of the report erroneously states the number of objectors to be 5,
but should state 6 objections were received from 5 different
specific addresses/households. Members were advised that all issues
raised by the objectors had been addressed in the report.
Members were informed that the site is within the
Duncan Terrace/Colebrook Row Conservation Area and it is not a
listed building. Members were reminded that the application was
refused planning permission on grounds of overlooking, its design,
unacceptable sense of enclosure and material loss of outlook to the
rear of adjoining properties at the committee meeting on 26
November 2018.
The Planning Officer advised members that the
proposed roof extension had been setback from the rear parapet by
1m and covers the southern section of the existing roofspace. Additionally it has been designed to
vary in scale, with a maximum height of approximately 0.7m when
measured 1m from the rear parapet and an overall height of
Objector was concerned that considering the area is
densely developed, the proposal would only worsen the situation.
Members were reminded of the impact of the scheme on listed
buildings and its detrimental impact to the heritage asset, and the
essence of the terrace dwelling was to act as a buffer zone to the
conservation area.
The objector was concerned with the officer’s
observation that the light loss is acceptable, reminding members
that this affects playrooms and bedrooms of 4 children and the
window of an elderly resident whose only source of light will be
affected by this new development. Members were informed that
residents had a sense of enclosure especially as the development
would impact the outlook from 17 windows.
With regard to objectors not being notified of the
meeting, the Planning Officer acknowledged that the 5-day rule had
been adhered to and that relevant documents and information about
the proposals had been published on the council website. On the
claim that objectors had not been consulted following further
revisions to the scheme, the Planning Officer advised that this
would only be required if there is significant revisions, reminding
the meeting that the proposal before the committee addressed
objectors concerns.
The agent informed the meeting that following
discussions with objectors and planning officers and design
officers, the roof extension had been set back from the parapets
thereby minimising visual impact as it will be harmful to the
setting of the listed terrace to the rear of the site. In addition,
members were advised that the wall had been significantly reduced
and windows will only exists on one side of the building.
In response to the possibility of mitigating some
aspects of scheme, the agent reminded the meeting that the proposal
had been reduced in comparison to the previous scheme had
adequately addressed objectors concerns.
The Planning Officer informed the meeting that
condition 3 which relates to materials needs to be reworded as the
north elevation does not face city road. In addition, the officer
advised that condition 5 on page 150 of the report should be
corrected to read as condition 4.
· Members agreed that the rewording of condition 4 be delegated to the Planning Officer and the Chair.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and amended condition 3 as stated above.
Condition 3 (Materials):
MATERIALS (COMPLIANCE): The development shall be constructed in accordance with the schedule of materials noted on the approved plans and within the Design and Access Statement. The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details so approved and shall be maintained as such thereafter into perpetuity.
REASON: In the interest of securing sustainable development and to ensure that the resulting appearance and construction of the development is of a high standard.
Correct the numbering of C5 to state C4 concerning window glazing details to say the following:
CONDITION 04: Details of all new windows shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to their installation. The details shall include materials, profile, reveal depth and detailing. Upvc double glazing units with unsympathetic/inappropriate proportions and will not be considered acceptable.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the details so approved and shall be maintained as such thereafter into perpetuity.
REASON: In order to safeguard the special architectural or historic interest of the heritage asset.
Supporting documents:
- 8 oakley FINAL, item 92. PDF 3 MB
- Map P2019-1292-FUL 8 Oakley Crescent, Islington, EC1V 1LQ, item 92. PDF 113 KB