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Agenda item

Classic house 174-180 Old Street Committee Report


Construction of a two storey roof level extension and six storey side extension to the existing building to create 1,418 sqm GIA of additional office (Class B1(a)) floorspace, a nine storey side extension on the eastern elevation to accommodate an additional lift, reconfigured entrance to Martha's Buildings, new hard landscaping scheme on Martha's Buildings, roof terraces at seventh and eighth floors, installation of new plant equipment and provision of cycle and refuse stores. (Departure from Development Plan).


(Planning application number: P2019/2450/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:

·         The Planning Officer informed the meeting that the application site is located on the southern side of Old Street, adjoining the western side of Martha’s Buildings and not located within a Conservation Area, however the Bunhill Fields/Finsbury Square and St Luke’s Conservation Area.

·         Members were advised that the proposal provides an additional 1,418sqm of B1(a) office floorspace and Affordable Housing contribution of £226,880 and a contribution of £288,660 towards Affordable Workspace.

·         The Planning Officer advised that the proposal will result in the height of the building being increased from 27metres to 32 metres which amounts to a tall building. Members were also advised that the proposed extensions, alterations and additions to the existing building would result in improvements to its overall appearance. The proposals also include a new hard landscaping scheme on the Martha’s Buildings access road and the creation of roof terraces at seventh and eight floors for use in connection with the office accommodation.

·         On the question of whether the proposed material was sympathetic with the original building, the meeting was advised that a condition would be imposed requiring details and samples of all external facing materials including windows and a sample panel of brickworks and mortar will be submitted for approval.

·         With regard to sunlight and daylight loss, the Planning Officer advised that findings of the BRE report submitted confirms that overall the nature of the transgressions above the BRE guidance threshold were minimal and it only affected few units.

·         On the departure from the Tall building policy, the Planning Officer advised that although the site is not located in one of the areas designated in the Finsbury Local Plan as appropriate for a tall building, it has been demonstrated that the building would not be substantially taller than its neighbours and would not significantly change the skyline and was not in conflict with the aims of the policy in relation to relative heights and was acceptable in the site’s local context.

·         On the suggestion to reduce the height of the building in line with the policy on tall buildings, the agent informed the meeting that having tested the proposal, working with council officers, its full consideration by the Design Review Panel and the daylight assessment with minimal digressions, not much further could be done.

·         With regard the impact of the scheme on neighbouring amenity, Members were advised that the proposal would not result in unacceptable impacts on neighbouring residential nor office amenity, including any loss of daylight and sunlight, outlook, privacy, nor would it be considered an unacceptable increased sense of enclosure. 

·         The meeting was informed that the applicant had consulted with the surrounding residents and the statutory consultees and that the application was advertised as a departure from the tall building policy. He also highlighted the Architect’s description of the scheme as, a high quality development.

·         In deliberation, members welcomed that the proposal would not harm the heritage assets and neighbouring amenity and the additional height is deemed to be proportionate in terms of the tall building policy.  Concerns were raised about the proposed use of brick slips on the side extension and the chair requested that the materials condition be revised to require the use of solid brickwork on the lower more visible parts of the building, and that the condition require a sample panel of brickwork including brick type, bonding and mortar.



That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and the amended materials condition and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.


MATERIALS CONDITION: Details of all facing materials including samples shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to works commencing on site. The details and samples shall include:

a) Reconstituted Stone;

b) Sample panel of brickwork, including brick type, bonding and mortar;

c) Concrete cladding;

d) Windows, doors and balustrades;

e) Roofing materials, and;

f) Exterior lighting/illumination;

g) Permeable paving;

h) any other materials to be used on the exterior of the development.


The proposed nine storey side extension shall comprise of solid brickwork at ground floor level and not involve the use of brick slips.


The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details and samples so approved, shall be maintained as such thereafter and no change therefrom shall take place without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: In the interests of securing sustainable development and to ensure that the resulting appearance and construction of the development is of a high standard in accordance with policies 5.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8 and 7.9 of the London Plan 2016, policies CS9 and CS10 of Islington's Core Strategy 2011, and policies DM2.1, DM2.3 and DM7.4 of Islington's Development Management Policies 2013.


Supporting documents: