Agenda item
Islington Central Library, 2 Fieldway Crescent, Islington, London, N5 1PF
Refurbishment of the ground and first floor of the building reinstating the public foyer from Holloway Road entrance to provide a link to the main library at ground floor level. Change of use of the north western portion of the building at ground and first floor levels in association with the creation of a rehearsal room/ theatre (D2) and associated office at ground and first floor levels. Work includes demolition of internal partitions and mezzanine floor, minor structural alterations to form new doorways, new partitions at ground and first floor level and installation of a new ventilation fan with an accompanying external louvre window which would replace the existing sash window above the loading bay doors at ground floor level upon the Fieldway Crescent Elevation. Installation of a ramp to the side elevation of the Holloway Road entrance to provide inclusive access to the building.
(Planning application number: P2019/2576/FUL and P2019/2605/LBC)
In the discussion the following
points were made:
The Planning Officer informed Committee of proposed
changes to conditions 4 and 7 especially if members were minded to
grant planning permission. Conditions 4 related to hours of
operation especially as the front of the Library opens on to
Holloway Road. Hours of operation to be Monday to Sunday and bank
holidays from 10.00am to 6.00pm with all visiting members of the
public vacating the building 30 minutes prior to closing time. In
addition, a request that Condition 7 regarding the sound insulation
be reworded was noted.
The Planning Officer advised that in light of the
proposed works which include alterations to the external appearance
of the building and more extensive alterations to the internal
appearance of the building, the Council Design and Conservation
Officer has raised concerns of some harm to the historic fabric of
the listed building especially as site lies within St Magdalene
Conservation Area. The Planning Officer advised that the harm would
need to be weighed against the public benefits of the scheme which
includes outreach programme.
Members were advised that the proposed works would
result in the change of use of the North Western portion of the
building, currently 189.6 sqm of library space to a rehearsal
room/theatre (D2 use). The proposed space is to be occupied by Tall
Stories, a charity theatre company which specialises in story
telling performances for all ages and creates large and small
touring shows.
Members were informed that no planning permission is
required for the internal works and this will comprise the
demolition of internal partitions and mezzanine floor, minor
structural alterations to form new doorways , new partitions at
ground floor . In addition it will involve the refurbishment of the
ground and first floor of the Grade II listed library building to
reinstate the public foyer from the Holloway Road
On the loss of library floor space and its
replacement with the theatre (D2) floor space, members were advised
that considering First Steps Learning centre formed part of the
Library’s Adult Education Offer but now relocated to the
second floor of the Library, the proposal would not result in
undermining the use of the building as a library.
The Planning Officer informed members that no
objections had been received, alternative sites had been
considered, the site has a high PTAL (Public Transport
Accessibility Level) of 6b and the benefits of the scheme
highlighted on page 152 of the agenda.
Members were informed that key to
the application is the substantial public benefits such as free
performances for over 880 Islington
residents, free tall stories
provided by actors to over 300 residents (reading
campaign) and a
commitment by Tall stories to facilitate workshops
and exhibitions at both Central and Islington
Other benefits highlighted by the
Planning Officer included a commitment from Tall Stories to
undertake extensive work with schools by facilitating 3 assembly
talks per calendar year and the improvement to
the Holloway Road entrance
which will improve accessibility into the library
With regard to the impact of the
scheme on the heritage assets, members noted the concerns of the
design and conservation officers, but acknowledged that the
reorganisation of the subdivision of the room moving the existing
mezzanine floor from the northern to the southern side of the room
would have a neutral or marginally beneficial impact on the
historic fabric of the listed building.
In terms of the impact of the
scheme on preserving the character and appearance of the St
Magdalene Conservation Area, the Planning Officer advised that
although the external alterations would cause some harm, the harm
would be less than substantial and should be weighed against the
public benefits arising from the development.
In response
to concerns on
how the public benefits
associated with the scheme is to be monitored, the Director,
Employment, Skills and Culture informed committee that there will
be a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between both parties and the
applicants have agreed to have quarterly and annual meetings with
Council officers to measure performances.
With regard to monitoring of Tall
Stories commitment’s, the Planning Officer advised that this
could be incorporated into the SLA, the exact wording to be
delegated to both the Planning Officer and the Chair if members
were minded.
Members were advised that although
Council policy states that proposal of more than 8sqm of D2 floor
space is best located within town centres, where site is
unavailable, this can be located at local shopping areas if its use
does not undermine the predominant retails and service function of
the Lower Holloway Local shopping area.
· Members welcomed the proposal, noting the partnership arrangement between Tall Stories, Islington Schools, Library Services and in particular the imaginative manner in ensuring that the library is kept open. Members acknowledged the benefits that will be beneficial to Islington residents.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.
Supporting documents:
Islington Central library final, item 103.
MAP P2019-2576-FUL- Islington Central Library 2 Fielway Cres N5 1PF, item 103.
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