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Agenda item

25B and 29 Corsica Street, London, N5 1JT


Demolition of existing single storey storage unit (B1) and replacement with 1no. x 3 no. bedroom single storey dwelling (C3), addition of mezzanine space (B1) above current studio space, roof extension above 1st floor of 29 Corsica Street to create 1no. x 1no. bedroom (C3) unit, change of use from ancillary non-self contained live/work unit (B1) on 1st floor to new self contained residential unit (C3), plus first floor rear terrace and internal refurbishment and reconfiguration of existing ground floor studio space and associated alterations.


(Planning application number: P2018/4250/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:


·        Meeting was informed of two updates since the agenda was published. The Planning Officer informed members that information received in the last week confirms that the commercial B1 unit within 25b has continued to be  marketed by the agent and unable to agree a let for a time period of two years and 3 months. In addition members were advised that if members are minded to grant planning permission, condition 4 in the report relating to terrace screening details would need to be amended the wording to include ‘prior to occupation of the 2nd floor residential unit and permanently maintained thereafter in perpetuity’.


·        Members were advised that the proposed demolition of the existing storage unit (B1) would result in an L shaped unit which would extend over the footprint of the existing building with a length of 18 metres before extending northward for a length of 8 metres. In addition the extension to the frontage would consist of sliding glass panels with access to a front terrace.

·        The Planning Officer informed meeting that applicants had made amendments to the scheme which addresses concerns raised by the Design and Conservation Officers, for example the overhang on the roof extension had now been cut back by approximately 0.8metres; the colouration of the brick work and front façade will now show an existing London stock brickwork with a white render band above and white render at ground floor. In addition members were advised that amended drawings submitted now show a reduction in height of the roofs by 0.7 metres and 0.5 metres respectively.

·        With regard to design concerns, the Planning Officer advised that the scale and mass of the proposed development is appropriate for the site and responds sensitively to the adjacent homes and gardens. It was noted that the development will add to the amenity and character of the area.

·         On the loss of the B1 space, meeting was advised that this change of use is supported by a Marketing report which acknowledges no realistic prospect of the site being reused as B1 space.  In addition members were reminded that on balance in planning terms the loss within two isolated parts of the site and the introduction of residential use in this instance is considered acceptable based on the constraints of the site.

·         The Planning Officer acknowledged that the proposal would result in a significant improvement visually over the existing site and will have a material townscape benefit. In addition members were informed of the financial contribution towards affordable housing in the borough which was to be welcomed.

·         In response to a question on the differences between the previous and the proposed scheme, the meeting was informed that when application was initially assessed, the decision was based on only 8 months of marketing evidence submitted as part of the application, however the revised proposal represents an improvement in terms of the amendments to the scheme, 2 years of marketing evidence and the numerous planning benefits, this was viewed considered in a positive light.

·        In response to a suggestion on why the scheme had not provided more sustainable measures, the Planning Officer advised that the applicant has sought to provide a sustainable building with an environmentally responsible design that conserves energy and enhances the environment which has the potential for Thermodynamic hot water on roof, Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery (MVHR), Ground Source Heat Pumps, Green Roofs and Water Recycling. In addition the scheme offers financial contribution towards carbon offsetting which is to be welcomed. 

·         A resident objector who lives directly opposite the site was concerned about the additional floor as it would impact her amenity in that it  would reduce the amount of light into her property . The objector was concerned that the idea of a balcony will result in overlooking and privacy concerns into her property and reduce amount of light. In addition, the meeting was informed that the scheme will result in a sense of enclosure and is oppressive and the design was not in keeping with the character of the area. 

·        In response to concerns regarding loss of light, the sense of enclosure and privacy, the Planning Officer reminded Members that there are no issues identified, that there is a larger building located at no 31 within the vicinity, that the roof extension of the proposed building will be set back from this unit. In addition members were advised of the reduction in canopy that was initially proposed and equally that the scale of the building is comparable to no 25 which lies across the street. Members were reminded that the design officers had closely looked at the objections raised in terms of scale and it was agreed it is in keeping with that stretch of the street .

·        With regard to concerns about overlooking and loss of privacy, meeting was advised that this is not an issue as the proposal is separated by the highway and therefore considered acceptable and meets policy. 

·        The applicant’s agent informed the meeting that the scheme aims to improve the site for the applicant having lived on the site for over 10 yrs. Meeting was informed that previous schemes considered have been complicated, however this revised scheme had been simplified in terms of both land use and form. The agent advised that the commercial space on the ground floor would need to be refurbished and the proposed flat above would assist in funding the proposed works to be carried out on the ground floor.

·         In addition agent informed members of the dilapidated storage unit at the rear of the site which is to be replaced with a dwelling that will house the workers, an opportunity to provide a live and work place for the locally employed workers. On the loss of B1 space, members were reminded that looking at the proposal in its entirety there is no loss especially as the dilapidated storage unit could not be regarded as a B1 use.

·        The applicant highlighted the benefit of the proposal, having been in the textile business for over 10years from the same location and supporting notable businesses and charities. Applicant also reiterated her passion for creative and craft business and especially her work with local colleges and students. 

·        In response to a question on whether more could be done to address the loss of light concerns raised by the neighbour, the Planning Officer reiterated the highway separation between the scheme and the neighbour and it being policy compliant.

·         During deliberation, members acknowledged the site constraints noting that the proposed additional floor was in line with neighbouring properties in terms of height. Members welcomed the scheme as it provides a mixed use scheme of high quality, retains suitable B1 space and would result in an improvement visually to the existing site. Members acknowledged that the site specific factors and townscape attributes weigh in favour of the application in planning terms and that the scheme is policy complaint.

·        Members agreed that the wording relating to condition 4 be delegated to the Planning Officer and the Chair to ensure it is enforceable.



Councillor Picknell proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Convery and carried.





That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1.

Supporting documents: