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Agenda item

Crudough Pizzeria, 10 Navigator Square, N19 3TD - New premises licence


The licensing officer reported that the interested party was not present at the meeting.  A revised plan had been distributed to members to replace the plan submitted at page 110 of the agenda.


The applicant stated that there had been some confusion with the address and there was A3 planning consent for this premises. Conditions had been agreed with the Licensing Authority and the Noise Team. The rear garden would be closed at 10pm and this would address resident concerns. There had been no complaints from residents. There would be half an hour drinking up time with a close time of 11pm. There was a designated spot for delivery drivers and there would be a sign to help prevent drivers remaining. 


In response to questions, it was noted that delivery drivers would deliver alcohol. The premises would ask for ID at the point of sale and they would be using recognised delivery companies who were trained in Challenge 25 requirements.



1)  That the application for a new premises licence, in respect of Crudough Pizzeria, 10 Navigator Square, N19 be granted to allow:-

a)   The sale of alcohol, on and off supplies, Monday to Sunday from 12 noon until 11pm.

b)   The premises to be open to the public, Monday to Sunday, from 12 noon until 11pm.


2)     That conditions detailed on pages 113 and 115 of the agenda shall be applied to the licence.



This meeting was held under regulations made under the Coronovirus Act 2020 and it was facilitated by Zoom.


The Sub-Committee listened to all the evidence and submissions and read all the material. The Sub-Committee reached the decision having given consideration to the Licensing Act 2003, as amended, and its regulations, the national guidance and the Council’s Licensing Policy.


The Sub-Committee took into consideration Licensing Policies 2 & 3.  The premises fall within the Junction cumulative impact area.  Licensing policy 3 creates a rebuttable presumption that applications for the grant or variation of premises licences which are likely to add to the existing cumulative impact will normally be refused following the receipt of representations, unless the applicant can demonstrate in the operation schedule that there will be no negative cumulative impact on one or more of the licensing objectives.


One local resident objection had been received.  There had been no representations made by the responsible authorities.


The Sub-Committee noted that the hours sought were within the hours specified in licensing policy 6.


The Sub-Committee noted that the resident had concerns about the use of the rear garden and anti-social behaviour. The Sub-Committee noted that there was a proposed condition to limit the use of the garden to 10pm and that the last sale of alcohol would be no later than 10.30pm. It was confirmed that delivery drivers would be trained on Challenge 25, would be using non-motorised delivery vehicles and the applicant would be using recognised delivery companies.


The Sub-Committee concluded that the granting of the licence with the agreed conditions would promote the licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee noted that the hours sought were within the hours specified in licensing policy 5 and 6.  The Sub-Committee was satisfied that the operating schedule demonstrated high standards of management and that the proposed use, with the conditions agreed, meant that the premises would not add to the cumulative impact.


The Sub-Committee was satisfied that granting the premises licence as sought was proportionate and appropriate to the promotion of the licensing objectives and in the public interest.


Supporting documents: