Agenda item
89-91 Mildmay Park, N1 4NB
Erection of a part four/part five storey building (following demolition of existing single storey building (165sqm use D1 (clinic)) to allow for the creation of 7x self-contained residential flats (use C3) (3x 1bedroom units and 4x 2bedroom units) and ground floor (154sqm) chiropody/dental clinic (use D1).
(Planning application number:
Councillor Kay left the meeting during consideration of this item
and therefore did not take part in the discussion or vote on this
In the discussion the following points were made:
The Planning Officer advised that site is not listed
but is located immediately south of the Newington Conservation
Area. The proposal introduces a part four, part five storey
building to the site which is in close
proximity to the south facing windows of the residential properties
in Hathersage Court.
The Planning Officer
reminded members that in January 2019, planning permission was
granted for Hathersage and Beasant Court (ref: P2018/1970/FUL) and a separate
application to committee in July 2019 was refused on grounds of
inappropriate massing, poor quality design and the impact of the
scheme on the character and appearance of the conservation area
which the present application seeks to
With regards
to land use consideration, the
Planning Officer acknowledged the net loss of 11sqm of D1
floorspace, however the reprovision of high quality D1 floorspace in the scheme measured at 154sqm
complies with policy DM 4.12 of the Islington Development
Management Policy 2013. Members were
reminded that the provision and continued use of the
chiropodist and dental surgery is considered as providing both
social and economic benefit to the community.
Meeting was advised that
in terms of design and conservation concerns, the scheme is
considered acceptable by the Design Officers. On the issue relating
to form, bulk, and size of the new proposal, the Planning Officer
acknowledged that it was similar to block K of an extant planning
permission of 2018.
The Planning Officer noted that concerns regarding
the elevations have now been addressed, that with the front
elevation, the design is acceptable and with the rear elevation balconies and terraces are to be sited
further away from the neighbours.
In terms of neighbouring
amenity, a daylight sunlight assessment was submitted which
indicated that 8 windows closest to the proposed development has
transgressions in excess of BRE guidelines, however this correlates
with the findings for Block K which has planning
A neighbouring resident was concerned with the size
of the building as it towers over the neighbouring block of
Victorian properties.
In response, the agent
informed the meeting that following the refusal of its previous
application in July 2019, the team contacted planning team and
submitted a pre-application proposal, taking on board the concerns
raised which has now resulted in a well
designed and acceptable mixed use development of high
quality which retains sufficient D1 floor space and a new
residential floorspace to create 7 new
units. In addition, members
were reminded that the application would
secure the requisite financial contribution towards affordable
· In response to objections about the scale of the building, the agent reiterated that this was a smaller building in comparison to the building that was granted planning permission in January 2019 and reminding members that this is to be considered within an urban site.
Councillor Poyser proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Woolf and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of
Supporting documents:
- CommitteeReport_DRAFT_89-91MildmayPark_SB_B4, item 35. PDF 5 MB
- Map P2020-0937-FUL 89-91 Mildmay Park, London, N1 4NB, item 35. PDF 244 KB