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Agenda item

Davina House, 137-149 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7ET


Replacement of existing antennas, dish and cabinet with 6 no. new antennas, 1 no. dish and 2 replacement equipment cabinets. Removal and replacement of 3 x Remote Radio Units.


(Planning application number: P2019/0778/FUL)


In the discussion the following points were made:

·       The application property is a six-storey office building located at the junction of Goswell Road, Lever Street and Percival Road. It is not listed; however, it is located within the Hat and Feathers Conservation Area. The area is a mixture of residential and commercial properties of varying designs ranging from tower blocks to terraced properties.


·       The proposal will replace the existing 3 no. antennas, 1 no. dish, 3 Remote Radio Units and 1 equipment cabinet (all permitted under P111738).  The Planning Officer mentioned that the proposal will result in an uplift of 3 no antennas and 1 equipment cabinet overall and an increase in height when compared to existing of 2cm, which will still be below the taller existing equipment on the roof used by other operators.  Members were reminded that the essence of the installation is to provide additional 5G coverage along with the existing 4G coverage.  

·       Members were advised that The building is on a prominent corner at a road junction and has a large amount of existing roof top equipment including a mast and antennas on the Percival Street elevation that is approximately 5m in height. There are no listed buildings or locally listed buildings within the immediate context of the application site, which is in the Hat and Feathers Conservation Area. 

·       Meeting was advised that although the Design and Conservation Team consider the antennas to be visible from the public realm, there would be a neutral impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area and visual amenity generally.

·       The Planning Officer advised members that the main issues arising from this proposal relate to its design, harm to the conservation area, neighbouring amenity and public benefit.


·       The proposal has been amended during the course of the assessment of the application with the proposed equipment being moved back from the edge of the building so as to not overhang the parapet line. It is not possible for the equipment to be moved any further back from the edge, as this would impact on the effective operation of the antennas.

·       With regard to the impact of the proposal on the amenity of neighbouring amenity, the Planning Officer reminded Members of  Paragraph 116 of the Framework, that the need for the telecommunication system should not be questioned, nor should health safeguards be determined if the proposal meets International Commission guidelines for public exposure.


·       The application had been submitted with an appropriate Declaration of Conformity by way of the ICNIRP evidencing that the antenna and cabinets do not require noisy mechanical plant such as condensing units or cooling fans. Meeting was advised that in this instance there is no requirement for a noise assessment of the impact or for any conditions to control noise from the installation.

·       In terms of health risks from the proposal, Members were advised that an ICNIRP Declaration was submitted with the application confirming that the proposed antennas would not generate electromagnetic radiation above thresholds that would pose a risk to the general public or workers responsible for maintaining the equipment.


Councillor Kay proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Poyser and carried.




That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.


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