Agenda item
48 Seven Sisters Road,N7 6AA
Installation of a replacement shopfront with associated fascia, internal security shutter and internal accessibility improvements. Retention of D1 (non-residential institution) use at ground floor and B1 (office) use at upper floor levels
(Planning application number: P2020/1194/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
The discussion of this
application was considered in
conjunction with Item B3, although votes with regard to its
recommendation was taken separately. In the discussion the following points were made:
The Planning Officer informed Members that the
application site comprises a three storey mid-terrace Victorian
property located on the southern side of Seven Sisters Road and
that the building is not locally nor
statutorily listed, nor is it located within a conservation
Meeting was advised that the proposed replacement
shopfront would represent a positive improvement to the front
elevation of the host building, and the
proposed replacement signage would not cause harm to the character
or appearance of the building or the wider streetscene of Seven Sisters Road. In addition, members were
advised that the proposed internal access improvements would
represent a positive improvement.
Members were informed that whilst in need of some
general repairs and maintenance, the host terrace of which the
building forms a part thereof, is of architectural group value as
an example of a Victorian retail
shopping frontage. The site is located within Nags Head Town
Centre (Secondary Retail Frontage) and the Nags Head and Upper
Holloway Road Core Strategy Key Area.
Therefore, no concerns are raised with
regard to the proposed retention of this use.
Members were advised that the proposal seeks to
ensure that proposed development responds positively to existing
buildings, the streetscape and the wider context, including local
architecture and character, surrounding heritage assets, and
locally distinctive patterns of development.
Meeting was informed that the existing shopfront,
the majority of which is recessed, is of timber construction with
significant tiled framing, however the
proposed replacement timber shopfront would not be recessed from
the pavement and would be more traditional in appearance
incorporating a stallriser, transoms
and mullions, and a fanlight above the entrance. In addition, the
shopfront would be set within ceramic tiled cheeks and the existing
solid metal roller shutter would also be
replaced by a visually permeable ‘shell’ roller
shutter, to be installed internally behind the new
The Planning Officer noted that the replacement
shopfront would enhance the character and appearance of the
building by re-introducing many of the features common within
traditional Victorian shopfronts. The removal of the existing bulky
external shutter and installation of the replacement internal
‘shell’ roller shutter is also a welcomed addition.
Overall, the proposed shopfront and roller shutter represents a
significant improvement to the character and appearance of the host
building and the wider streetscene.
Meeting was informed that
the existing non-illuminated fascia signage would be replaced by a
signage of the same height but with a reduced width, so it would be
more discreet. The Planning Officer informed members that a
condition has been recommended for the
advertisement consent to ensure that the LED matrix display is
static, not animated or flashing, with a maximum illuminance level
of 250 cd/m2.
The Planning Officer noted that overall, the
proposed replacement signage is considered to
be acceptable and no highway safety concerns to pedestrians
The Planning Officer advised that condition has been
recommended for hours of use from 7am-10pm, Monday to Sunday as the proposal
retains the original use.
On the issue of amenity, members were advised that
although the proposed replacement signage would be minimal in size
it is important to note that there are no residential properties within
the application building, and the illuminated signage would not
cause harm with regard to light disturbance. The proposals would
therefore not cause undue harm to neighbouring amenity with regard
to overshadowing, overlooking, privacy, access to natural light,
over-dominance, sense of enclosure or outlook.
The project manager (and applicant) for the
affordable workspace team informed the meeting that the application
is part of the GLA funded project to bring improvement to council
owned buildings and an opportunity to increase the active
participation of the building as it will provide training support
for the youth as part of the Council’s Islington Affordable
Youth Project. The use of the building is vital for Islington youth
funded by GLA and the Council and welcomed by the
· During deliberation, it was noted that this is a council owned building with Members acknowledging the opportunity to improve a building which has been in a state of disrepair. Members welcomed the replacement of the building frontage which will be in line with other traditional shop fronts in the local vicinity and importantly it will enhance the town centre landscape.
Councillor Convery proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Poyser and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.
Supporting documents:
- 48 Seven Sisters Road - Committee Report (Full and Advert) ZEB and B2, item 33. PDF 4 MB
- Map P2020-1194-FUL 48 Seven Sisters Road, London, N7 6AA, item 33. PDF 120 KB