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Agenda item

Angelic Energy - Update


Councillor Rowena Champion, Executive Member Environment and Transport was present, and accompanied by Keith Townsend, Director of Environment and Regeneration


Keith Townsend gave a verbal update on the position with regard to Angelic Energy to the Committee


During discussion the following main points were made –


·       Robin Hood Energy, parent company of Angelic Energy, had sold the business to British Gas, and the Council were looking at the options to provide opportunities for residents who were customers of Angelic Energy to transfer to a comparable cheaper provider

·       It was stated that two providers had been looked at, Peoples Energy and  London Power, who were the white label supplier for the GLA, and that options were being looked at for a Housing Energy contract

·       Members were informed that Robin Hood Energy had breached the terms of their contract with the Council and this was being pursued

·       A Member expressed concern that nearly half of Angelic customers in the borough had come from Housing voids, and that these were the customers who were likely to be less digitally aware, and enquired how these residents would be reached, given that the information on Angelic customers were not available to the Council.

·       The Corporate Director acknowledged that information will be made available support customers affected on Angelic Energy and the Council websites. The information would also include how to switch suppliers and with customers being signposted to SHINE. In addition the Council will use the electronic noticeboards on estates to provide information and that considering the Council has access to postcodes of Angelic customers in the borough, it was felt that a high level of reach could be achieved.

·       In response to concerns that there had been warning signs of financial problems for Robin Hood Energy as far back as 2019, it was stated that assurances had been given by Robin Hood Energy that the Chief Executive and Financial Director had been replaced, and Nottingham City Council who were the parent guarantor of Robin Hood Energy had put additional monies in. The Council had received assurances about the stability of Robin Hood Energy, however Council staff decided to monitor the situation, and a report was planned to look at review the situation and look at options in October

·       Members expressed concern that the Council had promoted Angelic Energy in good faith, and it was extremely disappointing that this situation had arisen, and that in future consideration should be given as to whether the Council should promote providers. A Member stated that it was even more disappointing, that despite the Committee raising concerns 18 months ago, that the former Executive Member for Environment and Transport had assured the Committee that the situation was satisfactory

·       Members were informed that the Council would endeavour to reach as many customers of Angelic Energy as possible



That the verbal update be noted, and that a representative of London

Power be invited to the next meeting of the Committee


The Committee thanked Councillor Champion and Keith Townsend

          for the update