Agenda item
Budget Proposals 2021/22
- Meeting of Council, Thursday, 25th February, 2021 7.30 pm (Item 136.)
- View the background to item 136.
Councillor Gill moved the recommendations in the report. Councillor Watts seconded.
Councillor Russell moved an amendment to the budget.
Councillors Gantly, O’Sullivan and Bell-Bradford contributed to the debate.
Councillor Russell and Gill exercised their rights to reply.
The amendment was put to the vote. Voting was recorded as follows:
For: Councillor Russell
Against: Councillors Bell-Bradford, Burgess, Caluori, Champion, Chapman, Chowdhury, Clarke, Clarke-Perry, Convery, Cutler, Debono, Gallagher, Gantly, Gill, Graham, Hamitouche, Heather, Hull, Hyde, Jeapes, Kay, Khondoker, Klute, Lukes, Nathan, Ngongo, O’Halloran, O’Sullivan, Ozdemir, Picknell, Poole, Poyser, Shaikh, Spall, Turan, Ward, Watts, Wayne, Webbe, Williamson, Woolf.
Abstention: Councillor Ismail.
The amendment was LOST.
The recommendations in the report were put to the vote. Voting was recorded as follows:
For: Councillors Bell-Bradford, Burgess, Caluori, Champion, Chapman, Chowdhury, Clarke, Clarke-Perry, Convery, Cutler, Debono, Gallagher, Gantly, Gill, Graham, Hamitouche, Heather, Hull, Hyde, Jeapes, Kay, Khondoker, Klute, Lukes, Nathan, Ngongo, O’Halloran, O’Sullivan, Ozdemir, Picknell, Poole, Poyser, Shaikh, Spall, Turan, Ward, Watts, Wayne, Webbe, Williamson, Woolf.
Against: Councillor Ismail
Abstention: Councillor Russell
The recommendations were CARRIED.
General Fund Budget 2021/22 and Medium Term Financial Strategy
(i) That the latest assumed Medium Term Financial Strategy and balanced 2021/22 budget, including the underlying principles and assumptions, be approved as recommended by the Executive (Paragraphs 3.1-3.30, Table 1 and Appendix A of the report submitted).
(ii) That the unprecedented level of uncertainty in the estimates due to COVID-19 and the wider local government funding outlook be noted (Paragraphs 3.31-3.41 of the report submitted).
(iii) That the proposed 2021/22 net budgets by directorate be approved as recommended by the Executive (Paragraph 3.5, Table 2 and Appendix A of the report submitted).
(iv) That the 2021/22 savings, which in some cases remain subject to consideration of individual consultations before implementation, be approved as recommended by the Executive (Paragraphs 3.42-3.45, Table 6 and Appendices B1-B2 of the report submitted).
(v) That the Dedicated Schools Grant settlement for 2021/22 and related funding assumptions be noted (Paragraphs 3.46-3.55 of the report submitted).
(vi) That the fees and charges policy and the General Fund fees and charges for 2021/22 that have been approved by the Executive be noted (Paragraphs 3.56-3.63 and Appendices C1-C5 of the report submitted).
(vii) That the policy on General Fund contingency and reserves, including the target level of General Fund balances, be approved as recommended by the Executive, and the movements to/from earmarked reserves assumed as part of the 2021/22 revenue budget be approved (Paragraphs 3.64-3.72 and Table 7 of the report submitted).
(viii) That authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer for any technical adjustments required to be made to the 2021/22 budget (in line with the council’s Financial Regulations), be approved as recommended by the Executive.
(ix) That centrally held demographic growth be allocated to service budgets if and when the need materialises and approved by the Section 151 Officer, be approved as recommended by the Executive (Paragraph 3.9 of the report submitted).
Housing Revenue Account Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy
(x) That the balanced Housing Revenue Account 2021/22 budget be approved as recommended by the Executive, and the latest estimates over the 3-year Medium Term Financial Strategy period be noted (Paragraphs 4.1-4.3, Table 8 and Appendix D1 of the report submitted).
(xi) That the Housing Revenue Account rents and other Housing Revenue Account fees and charges for 2021/22 that have been approved by the Executive be noted (Paragraphs 4.4-4.30, Tables 9-12 and Appendix D2 of the report submitted).
Capital Investment and Treasury and Investment Management
(xii) That the proposed 2021/22 to 2023/24 capital programme, including investment in projects related to the council’s net zero carbon priority, be approved as recommended by the Executive, and the latest indicative capital programme for 2024/25 to 2030/31 be noted (Paragraph 5.1-5.5, Table 13 and Appendix E1 of the report submitted).
(xiii) That the estimated funding of the 2021/22 to 2023/24 capital programme be noted, and authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer, where necessary, to apply capital resources to fund the capital programme in the most cost-effective way for the council (Paragraphs 5.6-5.7 and Table 14 of the report submitted).
(xiv) That the Capital Strategy, Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement, Treasury Management Strategy and Investment Strategy be approved as recommended by the Executive (Paragraph 5.3 and Appendices E2-E5 of the report submitted).
Council Tax and Retained Business Rates
(xv) That the 2020/21 council tax and business rates forecasts and budgetary impact over the medium term be noted (Paragraphs 6.1-6.3, Table 15, Paragraph 6.17 and Table 23 of the report submitted).
(xvi) That the calculations required for the determination of the 2021/22 council tax requirement, and the level of council tax as detailed in Section 6 of the report submitted and summarised below, be approved as recommended by the Executive:
1) 2021/22 council tax requirement of £99,248,682.10 (Paragraph 6.6 and Table 16 of the report submitted)
2) The relevant basic amount of Islington Band D council tax of £1,276.72, a 4.99% increase compared to 2020/21 (comprising 3.00% for expenditure on adult social care and 1.99% for other expenditure), and that this is not ‘excessive’. (Paragraphs 6.7-6.8 and Table 17 of the report submitted)
3) The basic amount of Islington Band D council tax for dwellings to which no special item relates (i.e. outside of the Lloyd Square Garden Committee area) of £1,276.48. (Paragraph 6.9 and Table 18 of the report submitted)
4) The amount of 2020/21 council tax (excluding the GLA precept) for each valuation band over each of the Council’s areas. (Paragraph 6.11 and Table 19 of the report submitted)
5) The total amount of 2020/21 council tax (including the GLA precept) for each valuation band over each of the Council’s areas. (Paragraph 6.13 and Table 21 of the report submitted)
(xvii) That the council’s estimated retained business rates funding in 2021/22, as per the 2021/22 NNDR1 return estimate be noted (Paragraph 6.14-6.16 and Table 22 of the report submitted).
(xviii) That the London Business Rates Pool will not continue in 2021/22 be noted (Paragraph 6.17 of the report submitted).
(xix) That the significant funding risk for the council in relation to Material Change in Circumstance (MCC) business rates appeals due to COVID-19 be noted, and that additional appeals provision for this threat in 2020/21 or 2021/22 was not included in the 2021/22 NNDR1 return be noted (Paragraphs 6.19-6.22 of the report submitted).
Matters to Consider in Setting the Budget
(xx) To have regard to the Section 151 Officer’s report on the robustness of the estimates included in the budget and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves when making decisions about the budget and the level of council tax, as required under Section 25(2) of the Local Government Act 2003, be agreed (Paragraphs 7.1-7.9 of the report submitted).
(xxi) That the Monitoring Officer comments be noted (Paragraphs 7.10-7.14 of the report submitted).
(xxii) That the Equality Impact Assessment be noted, and to take fully account of it in approving the overall budget and related proposals (Paragraphs 7.15-7.17 and Appendix F of the report submitted).
(xxiii) That the council invited business rate payers or representatives of business rate payers in Islington to comment on the draft 2021/22 budget proposals, as required under Section 65 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, and that no responses were received, be noted (Paragraphs 7.18-7.20 of the report submitted).
(xxiv) That the Annual Pay Policy Statement 2021/22 be approved as recommended by the Executive (Paragraph 7.21 and Appendix G of the report submitted).
Supporting documents:
- Budget Report 2021-22_Council 25.2.21, item 136. PDF 330 KB
- Appendix A - GF MTFS 2021-24, item 136. PDF 167 KB
- Appendix B - Savings Proposals, item 136. PDF 195 KB
- Appendix C1-5 - Fees & Charges 2021-22, item 136. PDF 3 MB
- Appendix D1-2 - HRA MTFS & Fees and Charges, item 136. PDF 406 KB
- Appendix E1 - Capital Programme, item 136. PDF 484 KB
- Appendix E2 - Capital Strategy 2021-22, item 136. PDF 446 KB
- Appendix E3 - MRP Statement 2021-22, item 136. PDF 359 KB
- Appendix E4 - Treasury Management Strategy 2020-21, item 136. PDF 986 KB
- Appendix E5 - Investment Strategy 2021-22, item 136. PDF 390 KB
- Appendix F - Budget EQIA, item 136. PDF 695 KB
- Appendix G - Annual Pay Policy Statement, item 136. PDF 244 KB
- Opposition Budget Report 2021-22, item 136. PDF 188 KB