Agenda item
198 Brecknock Road, London, N19 5BE
Application for full planning permission for amendments to the approved development (Ref. P2015/5283/FUL) for the 'Change of use of the building into seven residential dwellings (C3 use class), including extensions fronting Corinne Road at lower ground, ground floor and roof level and other external alterations including replacement timber windows with new timber windows throughout. Associated landscaping and new fencing' including those approved under non-material amendment application (Ref. P2019/2733/NMA) for two new roof lights to the flat roof, the height of the ground floor door, introduction of aluminium framed sliding doors and windows to northeast elevation, reconfigured light well and new external stair providing access to cycle store. As well as the following the following additional alterations:
(a) The deconstruction and reconstruction of the north-eastern
external brickwork wall
(b) Replacement of the original front dormer window facing
Corinne Road with a new slate hung dormer window.
(c) Replacement of the original roof including fascia board
(d) Partial deconstruction and reconstruction of front porch
(Planning application number: P2020/1800/FUL)
Councillor Chowdbury, who had declared an interest in this item, left the meeting for the consideration of this item.
In the discussion the following points were made:
· The planning officer advised that two additional objections had been received in relation to the planning history and he then outlined the planning history for members.
· In response to a member’s question as to whether the application sought to regularise the works undertaken, the officer stated that it did.
· In response to a member’s question as to whether there were any changes to the approved envelope and therefore the sunlight/daylight impact, the officer replied that the envelope remained the same as did the sunlight/daylight impact.
· Consideration was given as to whether the planning permission approved in July 2017 had been implemented. The legal officer advised that for the permission to be implemented, an operation which required planning permission had to be undertaken and it was a matter for the planning officers to determine. The planning officer advised that officers considered that the planning permission approved in July 2017 had been implemented. Although the standard three year implementation period ended in October 2020, the Business and Planning Act had granted an extension to 1 May 2021 so even if the planning permission had not been implemented, it still could be.
· A member referred to the inspector’s report which had stated the inspector did not have sufficient information to consider amenity aspects. The planning officer stated that the amenity impacts were not sufficient to warrant refusal and mitigation measures were in place.
· A member suggested that the applicant might want to consider improving sustainability in the future e.g. by installing solar panels, although it was recognised that this could require a further planning application to be submitted.
· The chair stated that the site had a complicated history and concerns had been raised about this by objectors. Improvements could have been made previously but it was not possible to do this now. The July 2017 permission was considered implemented as even if it had not been, it could be up until 1 May 2021.
· A member stated that as the July 2017 permission was considered implemented, the committee had a duty to regularise the works.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to the sub-committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.
Supporting documents:
P2020 1800 FUL 198 Brecknock Rd FINAL, item 58.
Map P2020-1800-FUL, 198 Brecknock Road, London, N19 5BE. docx, item 58.
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