Agenda item
Housing Fire Safety Update
Maxine Holdsworth, Corporate Director Housing and Stuart Fuller, Head of Housing Safety and Compliance were present and outlined the report
During consideration of the report the following main points were made –
· Noted Fire Safety Act 2021 is likely to be effective from October 2022. The legislation will impose new duties on the Council as a landlord
· Noted the Council monitors fire safety developments through a number of meetings, as outlined in the report
· The Council has reviewed its investment plans, and refocused them to ensure there are sufficient resources in the building safety programme, ensuring all aspects of building safety are being addressed within a 5 year programme
· A programme of fire safety improvements to the Communal Areas of the Council’s high rise residential blocks commenced in 2020
· Noted that the programme to install interlinked smoke/heat detectors, and warning systems in the Council’s directly managed properties and Partner street properties is now underway, and gaining momentum
· Noted the employee training and development taking place, and enforcement action taking place from the London Fire Brigade, and the actions being taken in respect of enforcement action on the notice relating to Godfrey House
· FED programme – Council has ongoing programme to replace fire doors that do not meet current fire safety standards or comply with relevant guidance. This was paused due to national concerns about composite, glass
reinforced plastic doors, however, since November 2019 the Council has installed 2882 fire doors. There are currently 1136 FED replacements outstanding, which are due to be completed by September 2022
· Noted that visits can be arranged by the Fire Brigade for elderly and vulnerable tenants to advise on fire safety
· Noted that there were payment plans in place for replacement of doors for leaseholders
· In response to a question it was stated that with regard to paragraph 5.2 of the report that monthly reports of all FRA activity for the preceding month, including outcomes from FRA, summary of actions arising, monitoring of overall FRA actions outstanding and tracking of high risk actions could be circulated to Members
· It was noted that training for staff was taking place following the Godfrey House fire and the view was expressed that fire safety training for all staff should be undertaken on a yearly basis
· Reference was made to the boxes containing detailed information for the Fire Brigade on plans for estates in case of fire and that details of these and vulnerable residents are also kept on the Council database which was available at all times
· In response to a question the Executive Member Housing stated that he was in discussions with Housing Associations in regard to improving fire safety in their properties
· Reference was made to paragraph 5.7 of the report in relation to FRA actions in low rise properties and it was stated that an analysis of planned actions could be circulated to Members when available
· The view was expressed that with regard to safeguarding the quicker the Fire Brigade knew information about vulnerable residents in the event of fire the better and measures to improve this should be looked at
· Discussion took place as to whether FP60 or FP30 fire doors should be installed and it was stated that the Borough Fire Commander could be invited to a future meeting of the Committee to discuss fire safety issues
· Discussion took place as to the responsibility for replacing internal doors to properties and it was stated that tenants were advised not to remove internal doors, however if they did this they would need to replace them if they vacated the property, as the Council would not let a property without any such doors being replaced due to fire risks. Tenants were advised to keep doors closed at night
(a) That the Borough Fire Brigade Commander be invited to a future meeting of the Committee to discuss fire safety
(b) That the report be noted and that the details referred to above in relation to FRA actions be circulated to Members when available
The Chair thanked Maxine Holdsworth and Stuart Fuller for attending
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