Agenda item
14 Charterhouse Buildings, London, EC1M 7BA
Change of use of building from Class F1 (genealogy library) to Class E (office); erection of two-storey roof extension to provide additional Class E (office) floorspace; fourth floor terrace; recladding of existing building; installation of mechanical plant; and associated works and alterations.
(Planning application number: P2021/1386/FUL)
In discussion the following points were made:
· The Planning Officer advised that site is not statutorily or locally listed nor is located within a designated conservation area, however the site is located within proximity to the Charterhouse Square Conservation Area and Hat & Feathers Conservation Area.
· The character and use of the vicinity is dense and mixed with commercial, residential and educational uses located within a close range.
· Members were advised that the existing use of the building as a genealogical library is no longer required as the nature of their work has now been digitalised.
· The existing building will be refurbished and extended to create a five storey providing a total of 1487sqm of office floor space.
· The extension would be constructed from metal and concrete cladding with glazing and that the roof space is proposed as an amenity terrace for the office occupiers with associated balustrading around the perimeter.
· The proposal includes two small/micro office units (91sqm each ) at lower ground level, which represents 12% of the floor space of the overall proposal.
· In addition, the Planning Officer advised that permission is being sought for a new façade to the front of the building to replace the existing brickwork elevation with textured concrete panels as well as metal cladding and enlarged glazing with vertical fin detailing and that at ground level, the entrance of the building is proposed as a large glazed opening with a metal finish to create an office reception area.
· The proposal will provide 19 cycle parking spaces at lower ground floor level with another separate plant area proposed to be located at roof level.
· In land use terms, the Planning Officer advised that the loss of the genealogy library is acceptable and that the proposed provision of 1478sqm of office floor space is acceptable given that it is located within multiple designated areas where the development, growth and maximisation of business floorspace is encouraged.
· In terms of neighbouring amenity, the Planning officer acknowledged that a number of objections have been received regarding loss of daylight and sunlight to their properties. Meeting was advised that although there are marginal transgressions to BRE guidance, it is considered that these transgressions are marginal and that conditions recommended will minimise the impact of the development upon neighbouring amenity such as privacy and overlooking, noise and light disturbance to an acceptable level.
· The planning reiterated both the sustainability and energy measures highlighted in the report and the planning benefits.
· The agent described the scheme as a sustainable form of development including energy efficiency measures, that it will deliver high quality accommodation in an area of high demand whilst enhancing the street scene and the character of the area.
Councillor Poyser proposed a motion to grant planning permission. This was seconded by Councillor Klute and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objections provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report and subject to the prior completion of a Deed of Planning Obligation made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 securing the heads of terms as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report.
Supporting documents:
- Committee Report - 14 Charterhouse, item 285. PDF 2 MB
- Map P2021-1386-FUL 14 Charterhouse Buildings, London, EC1M 7BA, item 285. PDF 212 KB