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Agenda item

Fire Brigade -Verbal Update on Fire Safety by the Borough Commander


Committee received an update from Matt West, Islington’s Service Director , Housing Property Services and Karl Smith, Islington Borough Fire Commander on issues relating to fire safety within the council’s stock and other properties in the borough. The following points were highlighted

·       Members were advised of the Council’s strategy in preparation for the new/updated legislative framework following the Grenfell Tower tragedy.

·       The meeting received an update on the Council’s Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) programme, including status of actions arising , fire safety works upgrade programmes and other relevant fire/building safety related matters.

·       The Fire Safety Regulations 2022 comes into law from 23 January 2023 which sets out new duties that External Wall (EW) construction will now be in scope of Fire Risk Assessment, provision of information on EW construction to Fire and Rescue Services (FRS), doors between dwellings and common parts explicitly ‘in scope’ , annual inspection of flat front entrance doors in blocks 11m+( 5 storey) etc.

·       The Council has 86 buildings within its portfolio which are considered within scope as HRRB’s (High Risk Residential Buildings) including 17 Tenant Management Organisations (TMO) buildings. Members were reminded that the first BSA (Building Safety Act) places a duty on Council in relation to existing HRRB to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator between April and October 2023.

·       Meeting was advised that since the last update to committee, a total of 390 Fire Risk Assessments have been carried out on the Council’s housing stock.

·       Homes and Neighbourhoods have worked closely with residents to increase awareness of the importance of keeping communal areas free of hazards.

·       The Council received notification from the London Fire Brigade that Council had satisfied the requirements of the Enforcement Notice that was served in respect of Godfrey House in June 2021.

·       In addition to the above, the Council received 3 notifications of Fire Safety Deficiencies in the current financial year and that progress against any enforcement action is being monitored via the Council’s Homes and Estates Safety Board to ensure that all issues are effectively tracked to completion.

·       On the issue of fire door replacement, the Service Director acknowledged the difficulty of convincing some residents not keen on having doors being replaced, noting that things will improve when the new legislation comes into force.

·       In response to concerns that some floors in older high rise dwelling blocks do not have fire exits, the Service Director assured the meeting that risk assessment is carried out on all building, however he agreed to undertake a site visit and report the outcome to the Chair if details are sent to him after the meeting.

·       With regards to alleviating the cost of the doors being replaced on leaseholders, meeting was advised that options will be offered to leaseholders.

·       Meeting was advised that any incidents of BBQ held on balconies of flats should be brought to the attention of relevant departments so that it can be quickly addressed.

·       In response to a question on whether the Fire Brigade undertakes safety checks to leaseholders dwellings, the Borough Fire Commander advised that the Service works in conjunction with the Council’s Emergency Planning Manager, the Head of Housing Safety and Compliance and also it has an online Fire Safety Checker which encourages home owners to undertake safety checks, which it shares with Council.

·       The Service Director advised the meeting that the Building and Fire Safety Programme Board is chaired by the Director of Housing Property Services and comprises of several workstreams, with each workstream having a range of duties arising from the Fire Safety Act 2021; Building Safety Act 2022; and the Fire Safety Regulations 2022.

·       The Borough Commander advised that going forward the relationship between responsible officers and the Service has been positive noting the numerous meetings that he attends with officers, reminding the Council the need to recognise the use of increasing technology and the need to raise the awareness of risk from batteries.

·       The Service Director advised that besides regular liaison meetings with Housing Associations, the Fire Service is engaged in tall buildings group meetings.


That the verbal update from the Fire Borough Commander be received and the Service Director be noted.

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