Agenda item
Executive Member for Environment and Transport - Annual Performance Report
The Executive Member for Environment and Transport presented this item to the Committee. Key points in the discussion were raised:
· The Executive Member began by reflecting on the progress over the last two years, explaining there had not previously been a net zero carbon team or programme and the progress made as well as embedding net zero carbon across all of Council activity had been a great achievement for the Council.
· The climate crises had affected Islington in many ways with increased temperatures and heat episodes, as well as surface water flooding.
· The Council were trying to tackle these issues with different policies such as people friendly streets, retrofitting and creating greener spaces. These issues had become more urgent with the imminent climate crisis.
· The net zero policies would also help tackle other crises such as energy crises and cost of living crisis. Retrofitting for example would lower energy costs and help make bills cheaper.
· Organisations such as SHINE had an increased workload with the increasing crises and their help with residents had been so important and useful.
· Projects such as GreenSCIES should come to fruition in the coming year.
· WHO had issued guidance reducing guidance on what was an acceptable level of air pollution
· While the report was promising there had still been a lot of work to do.
· In response to questions from Members, the Executive Member explained the planter scheme had morphed into a half a million-pound Islington together scheme.
· There needed to be a paradigm shift on waste and recycling, but this had been extremely difficult. There needed to be more recycling on estates and there had been a greater focus on these areas, but the recycling team did not have the capacity to do more audits or make this more sustainable currently. Two officers had been recruited to now do this. Reducing food waste was crucial in helping with overall waste and recycling policies.
· The Executive Member explained that recycling figures had dropped across London whole residual waste had increased. But these had both decreased across North London, however it was hard to know the exact reason why. The priority for the council was reduced waste overall and increased recycling.
· SHINE was being reviewed as part of the Renewable Power for London programme partly through the GLA and partly through energy companies’ renewable commitments. Demand had risen for such companies and therefore the council had explored how to best help organisations such as SHINE.
· The Mayor of London had launched a London wide advice service about energy and retrofitting through the energy saving trust.
· There had been issue regarding Cycle Hangars in the borough due to manual handling of systems, a new IT system was needed which unfortunately takes time but once this was in place it should be a smoother operation.
· Islington had received Gold Status in Islington in Bloom.
· There had been encouragement of parklets, but this would require community help to look after these as the council did not have capacity to do so.
· The executive member explained the links between air quality and climate change, and health was being explored and there would be an update to committee once more information was available.
Members noted the report
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