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Agenda item

30-40 Vale Royal London N7 9AP


Demolition of the existing buildings and structures and the construction of a new building ranging from two to six storeys (plus basement) to provide light industrial floorspace and flexible use floorspace (Use Class E(g)); along with external amenity spaces; associated access and service yard; plant area; car and cycle parking; refuse storage; and other associated works.

(Planning application number: P2022/1067/FUL)

In the discussion the following points were made:

·       Planning Officer requested that wording of condition 11 be amended to read - Details of the delivery & servicing strategy and site-wide waste strategy for the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to occupation of the development hereby approved and that the development shall be carried out and operated strictly in accordance with the details and waste management strategy so approved. The physical enclosures shall be provided/erected prior to the first occupation of the development and shall be maintained as such thereafter.

REASON: To secure the necessary physical waste enclosures to support the development and to ensure that responsible waste management practices are adhered to.

·       Since the publication of the report the applicant have  stated how they calculated the proposed £100,000 contribution towards local employment initiatives in lieu of providing on-site Affordable Workspace by taking the cost of training support per person of £2,500 as set out in the S106 SPD and multiplied it by the maximum number of jobs the existing site is understood to have supported at its peak occupancy which is 40 jobs, under its previous use, and cites that this would cover the cost of training / upskilling the previous employment capacity of the site to current job profiles in the area. 

·       Members were advised that the site is a triangular shape at the north eastern end of Vale Royal at the intersection with Tileyard Road and is is located within the Vale Royal/Brewery Road Locally Significant Industrial Site (LSIS), and not located within a Conservation Area nor are there any listed buildings within or in close proximity to the application site.

·       Meeting was informed that previous application was refused on seven grounds on 21 October 2020, and subsequent appeal was dismissed by the Planning Inspector’s letter dated 25 March 2021, and that the content of the decision letter has formed a significant material consideration in the revised scheme for the redevelopment of the site.

·       The revised scheme has resulted in an uplift of floor space to 7,074sqm, that the basement to the part first floor levels one to three will be used for light industrial floorspace (Class G (g)(iii). Also the part first floor to fifth floor levels through to eight, the proposed new building will provide flexible Class E(g) floorspace that is suitable for a range of tenants.

·       The Planning Officer advised that the application does not propose to provide Affordable Workspace as part of the scheme, that the applicant’s planning statement presents a hybrid employment building which will provide flexible workspace potentially suitable to a range of occupiers, including SMEs and start-ups, including the growing creative cluster at Tileyard studios and meets the needs of the expanding economic cluster, meets the needs of the type of industries already prevalent in the area, and increases the employment generating potential of the site and supports the continuing function of the Industrial and Warehouse Area (IWA).

·       Meeting was informed that the Council is in the process of adopting its emerging new local plan, which is presently out for consultation on modifications until 30 October 2022, noting that officers were of the view that the emerging Local Plan policy which requires the provision of Affordable Workspace within the LSIS be given moderate weight however the applicant considers that the Council's emerging policies regarding affordable workspace within the LSIS should be attributed minimal weight at this stage.

·       Members were informed that the applicant has agreed to provide a financial contribution of £100,000 towards local employment initiatives in lieu of providing on-site Affordable Workspace.

·       In terms of land use, the scheme is within the Locally significant Industrial Site, retains existing light industrial use (Use Class E(g)(iii), an uplift in Light industrial use of 1,002sqm and new flexible E(g) use floorspace of 4,935sqm).

·       It was noted that Policy DM5.3 states that the Council supports the retention and intensification of uses appropriate to the role of the Locally Significant Industrial Site, however the Emerging Local Plan states that proposals for the co-location of industrial use with office and or research development use will be permitted, where there would be an intensification of industrial use on the site. It was noted that the proposed land use is not in conflict with any of the policies or the emerging local plan.

·       In terms of design, meeting was advised that the revised scheme has been reduced in scale and massing thereby addressing one of the reasons for its refusal, that the scheme is policy compliant, it is a car free development; that existing crossovers and dropped kerbs will be reinstated; the provision of cycle storage spaces at ground floor levels and that the off street servicing and delivery concerns has been addressed. 

·       Meeting was advised that the scheme brings forward a number of energy and sustainability measures as stated in report to ensure it is policy compliant. In addition, the proposal presents green roof and wall as there was no greening that existed on site.

·       Planning Officer acknowledged that current application is acceptable in design, appearance and materials and delivery and servicing concerns has been resolved as all vehicles enter and exit in forward gear.

·       In assessing the planning balance of the scheme, meeting was advised of the disagreement between planning officers and the applicant on how much weight should be given to the emerging policies on the issue of affordable workspace.

·       On concerns about daylight and sunlight loss, meeting was advised that the revised scheme is considered to have demonstrated an acceptable level of amenity to the Antony Gormley Studios at 15-23 Vale Royal with respect to levels of daylight and overshadowing, therefore addressing a reason given for refusal

·       The applicant noted that the scheme delivers a much needed office accommodation in the borough and that Tileyard provides a range of activities in particular within the music and creative industry employing over 1200 jobs.

·       The applicant reiterated that following its previous refusal, the revised scheme has been reduced in scale and massing in consultation with planning officers using the appeal letter as a guide.

·       The applicant acknowledged the disparity of views on the amount of weight to be given to the emerging policies regarding on site affordable workspace. Applicant noted that as consultation on the Plan had not been completed and objections to the draft local plan had not been addressed, minimal weight should be given to the emerging plan.

·       In response to a member enquiry on the possibility of offering funds for apprenticeship retrospectively if and when the policy has been approved, the agent advised that he was not sure how this works.

·       On the discrepancy of figures of £100,000 by the applicant and the £2.1m suggested by council officers, meeting was advised that the figure arises from Islington SPD.

·       The Chair in summary acknowledged that in comparison to the previous refused scheme, the revised scheme has been modified, design is more acceptable especially in its reduced scale and massing and welcomed the servicing and delivery arrangements.

·       Members were of the view that following discussions with the applicant during the meeting that given more time there is room for further exploration on the issue of affordable workspaces on the basis that whilst the emerging LBI policy on affordable workspace in the LSIS is still under consultation, it is unaltered from the previous consultation, and that no objections to the policy have been received in the previous rounds of consultation.

·       A motion was moved by Councillor Klute to defer the item for further discussions between the applicant and officers on the provision of affordable workspace as noted above. This was seconded by Councillor Hamidache.




That consideration of the application be deferred for the reason outlined above.


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