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Agenda item

Executive Member for Equalities, Culture and Inclusion - Annual Presentation


Councillor Khondoker, the Executive Member for Equalities, Culture and Inclusion, presented to the committee. The presentation included detail of the Challenging Inequality Programme and its workstreams, and the work of the Equalities Team to support, facilitate and empower other council services to consider equalities issues in their work.


The following main points were raised in the discussion:


·        A member noted that much of the council’s equalities work focused on race, with some reference to LGBT+ issues and disabilities. It was queried if a similar approach would be taken for all protected characteristics, and also equalities issues such as disparities in income and wealth, and disparities in access to housing. In response, it was advised that the starting point of the Challenging Inequality programme was racial equality, and the next phase would focus on disability, however it was accepted that marginalised groups faced a range of challenges and the council wished to address all forms of inequality where it was able to do so.

·        In response to a question, the Executive Member advised that it was important to understand intersectionality when considering the inequalities experienced by particular groups.

·        It was noted that the Executive Member for Finance, Planning and Performance had Executive responsibility for Human Resources, including equalities matters related to Islington Council as an employer.

·        In response to a question on how key performance indicators were measured, it was explained that action plans were being developed and this would include how actions would be monitored and evaluated. A member asked if any timescales had been set for key outcomes to be identified. In response, it was advised that tangible targets and timescales were currently being identified, and an update would be reported to the committee when this was available to allow for further scrutiny. It was recognised that there may be difficulties in identifying quantitative performance measures in this area. Officers advised that it was hoped to identify five or six key target outcomes by the end of January; this focus on a limited number of outcomes would then help to drive change in those areas.   

·        The Chair noted that all Corporate Directors had responsibility for promoting equalities matters in their directorate and this was important to achieve improved outcomes for residents. It was queried if residents had been engaged in the development of the programme. The council’s Principal Risk Report identified failure to address social inequalities as a key risk, and identified that clear prioritisation, governance, and programme management would be crucial to the programme’s success. In this context, it was asked how the Committee could help to establish a rigorous approach to the monitoring of progress against priorities. In response, it was advised that the discussions were ongoing to ensure that equality objectives were included in the council’s performance framework, and scrutiny played an important role in reviewing performance data. Officers recognised that Challenging Inequality was a broad topic and there was a need for a sharp focus and prioritisation of this work to ensure that it had the desired impact.

·        Officers advised that a ‘Wellbeing Index’ was being considered as an approach to monitoring progress and outcomes.

·        It was noted by members that staff from across the council had made fantastic contributions to the Challenging Inequality programme, sometimes in addition to their substantive roles. It was asked if the staff contributing to this work had received formal recognition for their work, and if it was possible to provide additional support to further develop these initiatives. In response, it was recognised that staff-led initiatives, such as the Black History 365 programme, had been successful in raising awareness and understanding of equality issues throughout the council. It was important to capture the impact of such sessions, and discussions were underway to consider how staff could be supported and recognised for their part in this.

·        In response to a question, it was advised that translation services were available for non-english speaking residents. It was particularly important for information relating to cost-of-living support to be available in multiple languages. An example was given of signs in parks being written in different languages to ensure that all of the borough’s communities feel welcome.

·        A member asked about the digital divide, noting that some communities struggle to access the internet and cannot access key public services, utilities and banking services as a result. It was asked if more could be done to signpost residents to services that would support them to get online. For example, signposting to social tariffs offered by internet service providers for those on lower incomes. In response, it was advised that this was currently being considered between the Executive Members with responsibility for Digital Services and Communities. It was thought that Libraries could have a key role in supporting and signposting residents to these services.

·        A member asked about the council’s role in ensuring that activities at older people’s day centres and community settings were culturally appropriate. In response, it was advised that the council engaged with mosques and other local organisations on how best to provide services for their communities.

·        The Chair summarised the discussion, commenting on the need for a rigorous approach to assessing outcomes and performance on equalities matters. The Committee would welcome the inclusion of equalities-related performance data in the quarterly corporate performance reports to allow for regular monitoring. It was noted that a new strategic plan was in development and key performance indicators would be reviewed in light of this. The Executive Member advised that this would be considered further outside of the meeting. It was requested that officers provide a written update on the development of these performance measures in January.




A written update be provided to the Committee on the development of equalities-related performance measures, and how these will be monitored and scrutinised, in January.

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