Agenda item
Old Barnsbury, The Barnsbury Estate, N1 0TJ
Full planning application for external alterations to all existing buildings (including replacement windows, doors and communal entrances) and landscaping, environmental and wayfinding works (including new bin and cycle stores, new railings to ramps, stepped access to existing buildings, play facilities, lighting, signage and gates).
(Planning application number: P2022/2454/FUL)
In the discussion the following points were made:
· In addition to the information in the report, the Planning Officer stated that there had been 43 expressions of support for this application from residents on the Estate and that the applicant was the Newlon Housing Trust, rather than Newlon Housing Association, as stated in the report
· In response to a question about the strategy for the planned reduction in car parking spaces, the Planning Officer confirmed that 28 spaces were being removed, following a survey of residents on car park demand. Once permits were no longer required by tenants, residents and leaseholders, there would be an opportunity to further enhance the reductions in car parking, by additional landscaping. However, the landscaping in the scheme was due to come forward at a future date, with the current priority being improvements to doors and windows and fabric improvements. In response to a further question as to whether Condition 18 would secure the further landscaping in the long term, the Planning Officer was satisfied that Condition 18 was sufficient to achieve this.
· In response to points raised by a resident, the applicant’s representative stated that the cycle targets related to new net uplift in homes and not refurbishment of existing homes. The applicant was working to improve secure cycling and visitor cycle stands and would increase it as car spaces were reduced. There was very little secure bicycle parking at present.
· In response to a question about the installation of new aluminium windows, a member sought reassurance that they would have adequate thermal breaks to avoid the build up of condensation. The applicant’s representative stated that composite windows were to be installed, which were tried and tested, and the design of the windows and their procurement were to be particularly monitored by Newlon.
· Given the difference that the surrender of parking spaces was likely to bring to the development in terms of additional greenspace and cycling, a member asked whether the applicant had any plans to incentivise residents to voluntarily surrender parking spaces. The applicant’s representative said that, as this scheme was anticipated to run for 6- 8 years, they would be seeking to incentivise residents to surrender parking spaces at every opportunity. New permits would not be issued and the applicant would proactively promote alternative forms of transport wherever they could. It was noted that there was a car club at new Barnsbury.
· On the matter of the freeing up of parking spaces for landscaping, it would be preferable to have a dynamic assessment ready in order that there was a plan in place for their use. The applicant’s representative said that they were also looking at increasing play space by 50%, sustainable urban drainage and the use of rain gardens across the site and also, in addition to the play space in the centre, small doorstep play spaces at the entrance to buildings. Greening on the site would also be increased and more trees would be introduced. Only two trees would be lost, which were not category A or B trees.
Councillor North proposed a motion to amend Condition 18 by the addition of the words “and secure cycle storage” after the word ‘landscaping’. This was seconded by Councillor Klute and carried.
That following consideration of the case officer’s report (the assessment and recommendations therein), the presentation to Committee, submitted representations and objection provided verbally at this meeting, planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the officer report with Condition 18 amended as outlined above.
Supporting documents:
- Committee Report - Old Barnsbury, item 7. PDF 3 MB
- Map P2022-2454-FUL, Old Barnsbury, The Barnsbury Estate, item 7. PDF 120 KB